<![CDATA[Therapy or life coaching - Blog]]>Sun, 05 Jan 2025 07:39:54 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[January 02nd, 2025]]>Thu, 02 Jan 2025 17:14:43 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/january-02nd-2025​Sunday musings  - January 5, 2025

I have studied many spiritual programs but none offers the simplicity and the the essentials for returning to a spiritual center as does the12-step addiction recovery program.  Thus, when I am confronted with a new challenge or opportunity for growth over which I am powerless i turn back to the 12 steps. Over the next  12 Sundays I will attempt to return  to the steps to reclaim  my spiritual center. Today i begin with the first step which addresses powerlessness.

Often we humans have to face the realty we are powerless. A person addicted to alcohol or some other drug has.To face there ability to control  brain does not know when a drug is impairing their behavior or about too. They are powerless over the addicted nature of the of the substance.or behavior Most of we humans hate facing the reality of our limited power over people, places and events. Thus, when cancer and strokes visited my body I had to face the fact that life as I have known it is no longer under my control. Realizing this I did not go quietly into this chapter of my life.  In fact , I argued, kicked and whined acting as if by wishful thinking I could return my  body to its former state of functioning. Obviously  that approach did not work. I am powerless except to work with medical professionals and to practice  spiritual  principles .   I must daily return to the following spiritual principles .

 Change has no inherent positive or negative value
Kicking and screaming has  a time limited value.
 reality is not affected by denial
Experience tells me I always get what i need to  grow spiritually
 I am never alone unless I chooses to.
No one knows what vi need until I ask
  Honesty , open kindness and willingness are core spiritual principles
 one must not limit how often one prac

Often we humans have to face the raalty we are powerless. A person afddicted to alcohol rsome other drug hasTo face therealitytheir brain does not know when a drug is impairing their behavior or about to., They are powerless over the addicted nature of the of the substance.or behavior Most of we humans hate facing the reality of our limited power over people, places sand events. Thus, when bot ecanncer and strokes visited my body i had to face the fact that life as I have known it is no Longer under my control. Realizing this I did not go quietly into this this chapter of my life   In fact , i argued, kicked and whined acting as if bywishful thinking I cloud return my  bidy to its former state of functionng. Obviously  that approach did not worthier, I am powerless except to work with medical prfwessionals and to practice  spiritual  principles .   I must daily return to the following spifritual piniciples:

 change has no inherent psitive or negative value
Kicking and screaming has  a Time limited value.
 reality is not affected by denial
Experience tells me I slways get what i need to  grow spiritually
 I am never alone unless i chooses to ```
No one knows what vi 
Jimmy Pickett

<![CDATA[December 29th, 2024]]>Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:06:52 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/december-21st-2024Welcome to Sundaymusngsas we welcome thenewyesar. New possbltesm tolearn. Much to exprerniecce ;much to absorb;much to hope for
Peace in the middle east
    end of politicaladndeligious smugness
Peace in the Ukrainesndeverywherr
Less need to prove worthvia power,money,volence
Morebeffctive treatment for illness including addiction and diabetes
Less useof religion tojustfly mistreatment of each other.
Less judgment of the lseast ofus which is often thebest of us
On a more immefdiateteanand personal note:
Less shenpa/attachment
More acceptance f life on life’s terms
Greater patience
Slowing down to be more fully present
Loving unconditionally more effectively
Enbracing loved ones
Gratitude for family- bio;ogicall and chosen
Daily holistic health care
MORE acceptance of the aging
Enjoying having adopted grandchildren
Healthy relationship with money
Less shame
Ability to continuve woking
Less serious
Dailydoing myt besnt o emulatec teachers such as Jesus and,the buddha
Laugh often with self and others.
Gracious acceptance of my strengths and limitations

This list is an attenptto reviewo opportunities  which have ben offereded in 2024especiallyy  since mycancer snd stroke chapters

Jimmy  pickett
Coach pickett.org

<![CDATA[December 20th, 2024]]>Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:33:11 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/december-20th-2024Sunday musings -December 22,2024 lessabout my rlationship with money
Last week i wrote about some; o the spiritual opportinies my journey of post stroke experiencdes have presented, These opportunities continue to bepresentded this past week;my anxious and somewhat contentiousourelationship with money has often been the center of  my bthoughtsi grew up very poor and early on learned to feel shameful of being poor.  I an no longer poor. i have been blessed to be able to move some distance from what people consider poverty.  Ihad hoped to leave generous gifts to my remaining siblings when i die. Sometime ago I’m had to let go of my dream of leaving my son money to make his life more comfortable The decision was based on His decisionto end contact with me related i must assume in the absence of other infotmation,to relatedto his journry 2with a painful bipolar disorder whicoften results IN BLack and White decisions. This blog is not abouhim but  about my often irrational and unhealthy relationshipwith money, I am more thanmy nmothers child, i do not believemoneyorThe lackof it determines self worth or spiritual health, it is interesting that ifSomeoneii i love or even one of my favorite charitieneedsmonei can be very generous. I now am forced To spend money to regain as much health as possible but oftemifeel reckless and irresponsible while doing so. i am fearful of not being able to take care off self physically and emotionally I am blessed to know when I san being Irrationalpvingloving friends  and especially my grandchildren remind me i have no choice. They  make financial decisions and commitments for me. They ignore mycries of impending doom forcing me to confront my unhealthy emotions regarding money  tthis allows for a healthier relationship with Money even while I amscreaming through the ptocess i am again  challenged to grow spiritually and let go of irrational belies i oftengathered as a young child. For this i am grateful on a spitituall\lr ifnot immediately on an emotional level.
writtendecc3mber22 2024
Jimmy f Pickett Coachpickett,org
<![CDATA[December 19th, 2024]]>Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:17:36 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/december-19th-2024​Sunday musings  -. Dcember 15,2024 Iwas provided anopportunity to relearn and practicspirituaat lessonssatv at a new level. It seems as soon a if it feels as i am mastering a spiritual lesson life presents a new oppportunity to  makes t seem as if I have not grown spiritually at all.   Fortunately, When that happens loving people remind me of what i have I suggested to them.  Often Thosewho remind m have been my students/clients.  They challenge me to ascertain if i truly believe what i have taught them.   Initially when the new lesson arrives I fall into  a crisis mode of doom and gloom. Then friends and students arrive to remind me of what i Havetold them.  Recently they even brought books I had rcommendedd snd read to me.  slowly I decide to say to myself what i have not been feeling but at a deep level know to be true.  For example:
    I am stronger than I feel.

    I can accept this new chapter
    life on life’s terms is doable
    i can ask for and accept help -accept my humanness at a new level
    I deserve unconditional love.
I am not my limitations

    patience is doable snd a must
Family of choice is  family.

I can spend Money on myself snd  it all for heirs
    I have perfect adoptedGrandchildren.
    i can change priorities without terrible results.’[‘/’
Flexibility is a virtue
    prayer/positve energy works
    I always get what I Need to grow spiritually                      
    slowing is often  a virtue.

Written December 15,2024
Jimmy f pickett

<![CDATA[Sunday Musings- November 17,024]]>Sun, 17 Nov 2024 12:06:10 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/sunday-musings-november-17024Sunday Musings - November 17, 2024
Our fondness for creating those we want to define by a label
Daily we find various reasons to label individuals and groups creating a myth to make the person or group fit the label as if that tells us all we want or need to know; often whether they are friend or enemy.
Some of us may have been particularly aware of doing this during and since the recent presidential election in the United States.  Labels such as woke, left, right, MAGAQ, immigrant, criminal, democrat, Republican, devil, undemocratic, old, female, dangerous ae just a few which come to mind.
Spiritual leaders have, throughout the ages, both warned against defining s person or group as a label while also adding to the lexicon of labels. Terms such as sinners, saint, the chosen, Pharisee, and a host of other terms often contrast with the warning to resist judging or defining a person or group based on a label.  Thus, Jesus warns against labeling a woman as a prostitute
Last night I asked a man if, when he is with children If he is a student or a teacher.  He wisely said “both” Often, if we are honest and open, we find we are both roles in all relationships.   Just this week a man for whom I am a clinical supervisor on his road to obtaining his professional license gave me helpful, critical feedback about my too stringent attitude during a phone call. 
My own spiritual teacher strongly suggests I drop the dualities; the labels/judgments.
Jason DeLeon, an anthropologist, in his book, Soldiers and Kings has suggested we reconsider our labeling of immigrants and those who help them escape the violence of poverty, gang wars, climate change
and the other sources of inability to care for themselves and their families.  We often label those who guide them as smugglers which has a very negative connotation as if these guides -usually with connections to help them navigate safe passage -are not often brave individuals doing a dangerous job.  Clearly there are unscrupulous/unhealthy businesspeople in most business enterprises.  Some of these guides take advantages of desperate people. Most provide a necessary service. We also often make immigrant a negative, harshly judgmental label instead of a neighbor seeking refuge and a better, safer life for themselves and their family.
If a person helped one of the oppressed in Nazi Germany, they were appropriately lauded as heroes.
Anytime we think a label - criminal, immigrant, addict, women, gay, white privileged male, Jew, Muslim Christian Nationalist, Latino, etc.- tells us who a person is we are doing a disservice to ourselves, our neighbors, and all members of the community.    Once again, I am reminded of an oft quoted statement of Martin Niemoeller:
Arrested by Gestapo and sent to Dachau concentration campy in 1938 - freed by Allies seven years later.  He said:
In Germany, the Nazis first came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn’t a communist.  Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.  Then they came for me, and by that time there was no oner left to speak up for me."
If we truly believe we need to work together to create a more just, loving, strong community we will get to know each other as whole equals and not as labels.  Anytime we create a label to discount the sacred humanness of another we become part of the problem and not the solution.  
Written November 17, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett
<![CDATA[Sunday Musings - November 10.2024]]>Sun, 10 Nov 2024 10:26:50 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/sunday-musings-november-102024
  1.  Sunday Musings - November 10, 2024
  2. This past Week was the presidential election in the United States.   Both major parties seemed to invoke the chicken little syndrome if the other party won.  Sadly , post election, chicken little is still being invoked.  There is no joy in Mudville; at least by the Losing party.  Even the winning patty continues to feed the chicken little lies and half truths
  4. There is no joy in Mudville" is a line from the poem Casey at the Bat by Ernest Lawrence Thayer. It describes the disappointment of the hometown crowd in Mudville when their hero, Casey, strikes out and loses the game. The phrase is often used to express general disappointment, such as "My father has just lost his job; there's no joy in Mudville tonight". 
Obviously there are  valid concerns about many issues including immigration, the economy, climate change, the role of the United States as part of NATO, the middle East, co-existence with China, Russian expansion to name just a few.  We must each do our part to speak for those who have no voice or whose voice is ignored. At the same time, it is important we not become those who arrogantly oppress in response to perceived oppression,   It is important we avoid self righteous judgement of those whose answers or response is different than ours.     Historically we humans tend to react to extreme political views with other extreme views.  In the  end we return to a more  central place.  Perhaps in the process we move closer to a more enlightened place; a place where we honor the sacredness of the reality that we are all one village and must treat each other as family.
Nothing can stop us today from  acknowledging that reality. If we do not label each other as enemies; if we do not allow ourselves to fall into the chicken little trap we will claim our power to be our best selves; claim the joy of loving and taking care of a each other; avoid the polyanna trap while we hold joy in one hand and, a different reality in the other.     There is a practical logic in the teaching of Jesus and others to ‘love one’s enemies” which makes them non-enemies.   If one has no enemies one cannot hate; one can only love and accept  the reality that we are all perfect in or imperfectness.   Today we can strive to be out best selves; to notice the log in own eyes; to remember this life journey is but a second; nothing matters except how well we Love ourselves, each other and the universe today.
Written November 10, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett
<![CDATA[Sunday Musings - November 3, 2024]]>Sun, 03 Nov 2024 18:49:11 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/sunday-musings-november-3-2024Sunday Musings - November 3, 2024
Nothing works
As a professional counselor I am constantly reminding individuals, couples and families that systems are systems are systems.   We seem to readily accept the fact that even if 99% of the many parts of a car are working, one malfunctioning part, an empty gas tank or some part of the automobile’s computer will keep the car from functioning or, at best, make it inefficient.
Our human body is a system existing within an environment.  This environment can be the limited area of our office, home or other place.  It is also the place in the universe one now occupies, the planet earth or the larger earth. 
Any part of our body or the environment can affect how well our body functions. Symptoms of a malfunctioning body may include:
         A physical ache or pain.
         Unable to physically function in some way.
         Recall or retrieval speed.
         Memory deficit
         reduction in hearing or eyesight
         some other malfunction affecting some organ.
 All of us will eventually wear out, but our bodies require at the minimum:
         Adequate and restful sleep
         Nutritious food eaten in a relaxed setting
         Regular physical exercise
         Belief that one has a purpose
         Positive, loving support
         A heathy environment.
         healing from past traumas
         Care of special needs of our body
         An ability and willingness to hold on to joy.
Any deficit will affect the function of all parts of our system.   We should not be surprised if we are sleep deprived and all parts of our body are affected, including our ability to problem solve.   To problem solve we must be able to retrieve information stored in our brain.   We also must process a certain level of processing speed to function.   If we cannot process incoming stimuli, we are likely to become overwhelmed, frustrated and angry.  Lack of ability to process incoming stimuli may leave us feeling unsafe and unable to place ourselves in time and space.
Exposure to frequent or constant negative input such as watching political news 24/7 or several hours a day; living in a war area such, or in a domestically physical and emotional violent home can quickly exhaust one and affect every part of one’s system.   
If your doctor, therapist or other caretaker is not treating one holistically one needs to seek out other care.  Symptoms may point to a direction to investigate but just treating the symptoms does not identify or treat the cause.  If the oil pan or gas tank has a leak, more gas or oil will not treat the leak.
Written November 3, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett
<![CDATA[Sunday Musiings - October 27, 2024]]>Sun, 27 Oct 2024 12:14:57 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/sunday-musiings-october-27-2024 
Sunday musings - October 27, 2024
Anyone in the helping professions - clergy, teacher, health care professional, parent - must be willing to frequently ask themselves two questions:       
Do I practice what I teach?
         Am I willing to be the student as well as the teacher
In other words, to what extent am I committed to reach toward humility? 
One can find many suggestions regarding the nature of humility, but most will agree the characteristics must include an awareness of one’s strengths and limitations; a willingness to learn; an appreciation for one’s privileges, opportunities and luxuries; and a willingness to receive as well as to give.
I would like to believe that I daily ask myself these questions.   Usually, I frame the questions in the context of my daily spiritual Intentions.  I am acutely aware it is easy for me to get off tract - to be distracted by issues which might seem to be very important now but are not ultimately so.
Most people who know me are aware I am usually self-sufficient in terms of daily activities/daily self-care.  I work full time, daily go to the gym, maintain my home, prepare healthy meals and stay socially active.   I am in many respects a very privileged white male with access to a decent living, to health care and able to hold on to the illusion I have an endless supply of energy.
For the past three months, some health issuers have forced me to more actively practice humility.   Don’t misunderstand me. I am no Pollyanna.  I did not welcome illness joyfully as an opportunity to grow spiritually even though I know it is just that.  Because of the nature of my work and life dance many were quickly aware of my health issues.  Many friends and clients were quick to remind me we are a village.  Others have many gifts to share and are happy to do so; reminding me all of us need to trust all our gifts are equally valuable. It is in sharing gifts that we honor our shared humanness and journey.   Of course, I would like to report that I found it natural and easy to ask for and accept offers of rides, grocery shopping, laundry and food.  Not so.  I continue to be a work in progress attempting to live humility with enormous gratitude.   I vow to work on accepting help graciously and with a modicum of expressed thank. Perhaps 20 per event is a bit over the top!
Today is another opportunity to honor the fact that worldwide we are a village.  We would do well to daily celebrate that reality.
Written October 27, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett
<![CDATA[Sunday Musings - October 13, 2024]]>Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:49:17 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/sunday-musings-october-13-2024Sunday Musings - October 13, 2024
In the United States and some other countries, the terms juvenile, minor and adult are frequently legal terms.  The question of whether one is a juvenile, minor or adult often comes under consideration when sex, school attendance and criminal activity is involved.
Age of consent for sexual activity may be based solely on age or may be based on age and difference in age.  Thus, in some states and countries the law may state that individuals of a certain age may only consent to sex with someone who is no more than three years their senior.  The age of consent in some countries and states may be 14 or lower.  There have been cultures in which children are treated as autonomous individuals and can decide themselves when they are old enough to have sexual activity or engage in other activities.  Many children are “sexually active” with themselves or in sexual “play” with their peers at a very early age. 
In the United States even viewing individual appearing underage having sexual activity with an alleged adult can be the basis for being criminally charged, sent to prison and put on a public sexual offender list. (Determination of age is usually made by law enforcement personnel or so-called experts which is very problematic since there are many reasons a “legal” adult can appear to be a teenager.)
In some so-called primitive cultures, it was the responsibility of adult males to introduce young males to sexual activity by having sex with them.  There is no record of these males being mistreated or emotionally harmed.   If a practice is ritualized by a community, there is no basis for shame.
In many states in the United States, one is legally required to attend school or be home schooled until a certain age; frequently age 16 although some children complete requirements for graduation from high school at an earlier age.
In some states one can apply to become emancipated and for all practical purposes be considered an adult at age 16. If that emancipated 16-year-old is then legally married he or she may have sex with their spouse.  However, if not married they may still be considered a minor in terms of sexual activity until they reach the legal age of consent in the state in which they are living.  This normally also means an emancipated 16-year-old cannot legally be employed in the porn industry.
The terms minor and juvenile in criminal cases may vary when a minor child is charged with a crime which law enforcement personnel or the public finds particularly offensive.  For example, in some states, if a 10-year-old is charged with murder or certain other “serious” crimes he or she may be bound over to adult court. The sentence may not include the death sentence but may include long periods or even life in prison.  Recently, in the United States, a 14-year-old charged with murder in a mass shooting incident is to be tried as an adult.  Apparently, the thinking is that a person as young as 10 may be capable of being legally competent to decide to engage in criminal activity but is not old enough to decide to have sexual activity with an adult.  The thinking is sometimes the power difference is the deciding factor in decisions regarding sexual activity, but not in decision regarding violent or other criminal activity.  
One might argue when a country or state regularly uses violence to deal with situations of which they do not approve or deems should be illegal whether that is against other counties, persons, or entities the young person is being taught that he or she is expected to use violence when they are unhappy with the behavior of others.  In war the killings of children and adults regardless of their status is often considered “collateral damage.”
We do not make laws limiting the ability of those with intellectual disabilities or emotional disabilities to have children although Hitler copied the thinking of some in the United States when he decided to sterilize those with intellectual or emotional disabilities.  We do have laws disallowing the ability to use those with intellectual or emotional disabilities for our sexual gratification without considering their rights and needs.
In short, our laws reflect the fact that sometimes we, as a society, determine age alone determines the ability to make informed choices and sometimes we decide age alone is not the sole criteria we should use,
I suspect most of us agree that forced sexual activity rape - at any age is immoral.   Rape can occu by a person of various ages.   Rarely does anyone in authority state that a 5-year-old can rape a younger child although there have been such allegations.  Some might maintain that the 5-year-old did not realize what they were doing; that they are incapable at 5 years old of being aware that the younger child has rights which need to be respected.
In summary I am suggesting:
o   The line between adulthood and minor or child is a very narrow one.
o   We adult are emotionally, financially and legally unwilling to take responsibility for the arbitrary nature of our decisions regarding the use of violence, the control of the manufacture of weapons, and the extent to which many laws are based on emotions and limited religious beliefs and not science.
o   The use of another person’s body solely for one’s own gratification is wrong, wrong, wrong.  At the same time the age and mental capacity of awareness of the needs and rights of other humans is often decided arbitrarily and for the temporary comfort of the community.
o   Children are sexual from a very early age. The age of puberty and the ability to procreate varies greatly with individuals.  Children need to be clearly taught how their behavior affects others, the danger of early pregnancy and the danger of sexually transmitted diseases.
o   We adults need to take responsibility for the behavior we model and the often-arbitrary emotional factors which determines our decisions about whether someone is to be considered an adult or a minor.
Written October 13, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett
<![CDATA[Sunday Musings - October 6, 2024]]>Sat, 05 Oct 2024 22:50:28 GMThttp://coachpickett.org/blog/sunday-musings-october-6-2024Sunday Musings - October 6, 2024
Who or what is a parent?
So many of our laws in the United States and some other countries are grounded in the concept of the nuclear family.  The nuclear family is one or two adults and one or more children.  In some families there may be multiple generations who assume responsible for the unit, but that is the exception rather than the rule.  Increasingly, in the United States, adult children may be living longer with their “parents”, but eventually most will get a home of their own.
If there are minor children or even adult children in the home, the “parents” are in charge and decide what is best for the family.  To qualify to be a parent one must:
o   Be the biological egg donor or sperm donor.
o   Be the person a judge decides can be the legal primary custodian or “adoptive parent”.
o   Be a foster parent appointed by a child welfare official.  In this case depending on caseload of the case worker and other factors, the child or children rights and needs may be decided by rules of the state or the caseworker.
o   Be a ward of the state, often in a group home, a detention facility or mental health facility
o   Be a student in a private boarding school in which case the rights and needs of the student(s) may be jointly decided by the legal parent(s) and the school administration.
To quality to be a biological parent a female must have an egg which is fertilized by a male sperm.  This may be in person in which case the sperm is introduced to the egg during sexual intercourse, or the egg and sperm are introduced by a medical person.   To qualify as a stepparent a biological parent must agree to marry another person.  A biological, step or appointed parent may be a single person or, depending on the state, two parents who may be of the same or opposite gender.
When a child is conceived and born to a biological egg donor and sperm donor, there is no test for whether one is emotionally, spiritually or financially able to provide for the child(ren) or keep the needs and rights of the child(ren) primary.   Unless it can be proven there is extreme cruelty or neglect (varies by state) the custodial parent(s) have absolute authority over the lives of the children.  They can decide whether to get them vaccinated, when to take them for medical care, whether to honor their gender or sexual orientation status, whether to home school or enroll in another option, how to indoctrinate them spiritually, and make other decisions which affect the health and future of the child  Essentially, if no legally defined abuse can be identified or proven, the child has no rights.  The parents determine when the child or children are ready for developmental stages or chapters in their lives. 
Medical professionals have very little authority to decide the care of a child unless the parent(s) sign over that authority.  The medical professional does not decide (based on science and not personal prejudice) whether a child should be protected against certain communicable diseases, i.e. covid, measles, whooping cough, polio, diphtheria and a host of others or has other needs. Although public school systems may require some vaccinations the parent can decide to home school the child.
There are a few so called primitive cultures where children are given more decision-making power.  There are also some communities which believe parenting is truly a village responsibility.  There are some church “families” which it is clearly understood babies and older children are “church babies”.
The rights of parents whose only qualification for raising the next generation may be the ability to exchange a sperm and egg through sexual contact or other means is popular politically.   “Parents know best” is the shared belief of many in the United States and other places.  That is a position based on emotions; not grounded in science. Some legal “parents” have amazing skills, good emotional and spiritual health and the means to take care of children.  Some financially poor people can provide the “best” care for their children.
Re-examining this model for choosing who is best qualified to raise/teach/care for younger humans could be a very frightening and politically charged exercise. One is not likely to get elected or appointed to a political position if one suggests this re-examination be a major goal for this republic.   Yet, I believe we must begin to get honest about why the current system is unhealthy for many children.  For everyone, even those who meet all the qualifications for healthy parents, isolating them without help in a nuclear family is a concept we must let go of.  Even if there are two reasonably healthy adults raiding children who have demanding jobs in addition to being parents, there is not enough emotional, physical, and spiritual gas stations in an average day to do a good job.   One cannot avoid a daily energy deficit affecting all aspects of one’s health and, thus, the health of the children.
Let’s begin to have the courage to explore a model of parenting which might ensure children have a chance at emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual health. Let’s end the shame of parenting not being our skill set.   We need a variety of skills to design and create a functioning community to raise our children.
Written October 6, 2023
Jimmy F Pickett