This morning I was thinking about the word love. It is a word that some of us use very sparingly while others of us seem to use it so liberally that it ceases to communicate anything important. It is a word from which I demand a lot. I demand that it carry the weight of multiple relationships –relationship with food, a lover, a friend, a pet, a flower, or even a process. For example, I recently ate a fresh Georgia peach. I LOVED the sweet, juicy taste and the slightly silky feel of the lightly fibrous, fruity membranes which explored and played with my tongue and roof of my mouth while the fresh, faintly aphrodisiac scent triggered memories of sensuous nights and amorous mornings –fantasies of my first grade teacher Mrs. Williams, Beverly Scott, Evelyn William, Joey Kaiser or a host of others. I was sure each successive one would be the one to keep my heart in a constant flutter and perfectly synchronized with the fluttering of the wings of the magical and enchanting Monarch butterfly.
I have often written about love. I reviewed some of the titles of pieces I have written about love. They include:
Love is messy
My extended family
Love your enemies
Love stories -
A responsible friend, neighbor, citizen
Empathy without being a Pollyanna
A series on the various aspects or possibilities of empathy
I have also written indirectly about love while writing about various mentors. Then, of course, there is my love for the computer and the various programs which have released me from the time consuming and messy job of creating and correcting a work of written art! I was happy to say goodbye to the eraser, correction fluid, correction tape and those other techniques of making sure that typing mistakes were blatantly obvious to even the most unsophisticated reader. Let me count the way I love my computer who so graciously allows me to insert a forgotten letter, word, phrase or even paragraph; which allows my eloquence to emerge as my fingers fly over the keys. Ah…. What word, other than love can describe the magic of being able to romance, elucidate, educate, amuse, bore and sometime suffocate friends and foes equally in the ocean of words which fly on the wings of love, anger, hate, judgment, acceptance and even indifference.
This love affair with “THE WORD” began when I discovered that I could make sounds: “ah! Da! Doot! Et! Later I would discover the sounds which I could copy and with which I could make demands and later combine with my smiling, baby blues to cajole and some would say manipulate.
My relationship with people would come and go but my relationship with the sensations of words playing with the shape and feel of my mouth could only be rivaled by that of my relationship with other “objects” such as that Georgia peach. It is not surprising that peach should come to be a metaphor for all other loves. “Ah, my sweet Macbook Air, you are a peach of a helpmate in sharing the succulent words which bind my soul to that of the reader.
Written July 14, 2016
Words 530