A person writing an editorial in a local newspaper used the words “creatueres” and “monsters” to refer to individual who have been convicted of abusing a young child. The person writing the editorial was decrying the fact that in the state in which these individuals were convicted the maximum sentence the judge could impose was eight years. The fear seems to be that that they could remain capable of abusing other children when they are released in a mere 8 years. This is a possibility. As long as the diagnoses are “creatures” and “monsters” there is little hope of a treatment protocol which could be effective in eight or thirty years.
Obviously, the diagnoses of “creatures” and “monsters” is not helpful, accurate or kind. These diagnoses are not designed to be helpful, accurate or kind. What then is the purpose of such diagnoses? I suspect that there are multiple purposes including:
- To ensure that they are perceived as different than us “normal, healthy” people; to show there is no chance we could abuse a child.
- To justify the current “eye for an eye” mentality which masks as a system of justice.
- Ironically, to provide an answer or response to the abuse which is treats the symptom but not the issue. I say ironically because it is likely that the abuser was reacting to a symptom rather than an accurate identification of an issue which led to the abuse.
It is understandable that all of us would like will wrapped, concise, easy answers to such complicated issue as child abuse and other harmful behavior. It is also understandable that most of us would like to pretend that those who abuse others are so different from us that we could never be in their shoes. Yet, at the same time, we are very selective about the types of abuse of which we approve or do not approve. Many forms of financial abuse are considered laudatory, the price of capitalism or good business. Sacrificing others to feed our delusions by labeling some people as good or bad as if one simply ordered up the brains for helpful or hurtful behavior from the Amazon is reinforced by those vested with religions or legal authority.
We live in an age which allows us to view photos of the brain and to record aspects of the functioning of the brain under the influences of various factors. We know that that free will is a misnomer. We do have some limited ability to make choices, but so many of those choices are dependent on factors which one has to attribute to fate, luck or the decisions of the Gods. We are blessed to live in the age of science and, yet, we continue to label people as good or bad – symptoms referring to acceptable or non-acceptable behavior. We have accepted that brain tumors, diseases we now label as dementia, and illness we call mental illness can render someone incapable of accessing moral or community rules. We excuse behavior which our educated guess or modern equipment tells us is to a condition over which the patient had not control.
In short labeling a person because of symptoms and spending billions of dollars to treat people as “creatures” or “monsters” when, it factm, the treatment asures a merely a self-fulfilling prophecy, is not good science or, in my limited thinking, moral by any standard. We do not need to now label those who label the symptoms as “creatures” or “monsters” but we do need to challenge this unscientific thinking and behavior.
Written January 31, 2019
Jimmy F Pickett