On this last Sunday of the year 2018 I am focused on the many blessing in my life, the desire to live gratefully and to do my best to be the most helpful and effective person I can be, I was thinking of this last goal as I read Set Godin post this morning. I started reading Set Godin’s brief and concise daily blogs some time before I realized that he is a business person. The advice or reminders he gives in his blogs, books and courses have to do with successful business practices. Recently I seriously considered signing up for his Alt MBA Course. I did not because I could not justify the expense, but I am sure I would benefit from it. Both Mr. Godin and I are concerned with systems and profit. I am primarily concerned with the profits of emotional and spiritual systems. He is primarily concerned with the profits of business systems. We are both interested in having clear, honest goals and creating a plan for achieving those goals. This morning, December 30th, 2018 the title of his blog is “Creating a useful spec”. He states that “it takes just four things:
- What is the problem to be solved?
- How are you going to solve it?
- How can we test the that the thing we built matches what we set out of build?
- How will we know it is working?”
It seems to my very simple mind that these are the same four steps we need to be using in approaching all the issues related to creating a well-functioning, just society. Whether we are talking about justice, the budget, immigration, or other issues of living together the very same four steps can be successfully applied.
I have often written on step 1. What is the diagnosis? If we accurately diagnose the issue or the problem we are ready to go on to step 2. So often we fail to accurately diagnose the problem. For example, in regards to our criminal justice system we often say the diagnosis is that there are criminals who broke the law. While that may be true, it is also true that:
- Very few of those who break the law come before our criminal justice system.
- The fact that that they broke the law does not define the problem. For example, if someone is mentally ill that is the problem. If someone has a mental illness that is the problem. If someone has a missing part of their brain which prevents them from considering the needs of others, that is the problem.
Once the problem is accurately diagnosed or the best possible educated guess has been made, step 2 is allowing the experts for that issue to brainstorm possible solutions/and or treatment.
The next step is creating/developing a scientific test to see if person, system or situation has improved. There needs to be a set of criteria which measures the original symptoms. If the problem is addiction does the person have a recovery plan which is working or are they in a long-term treatment program which has a decent track record. If the issue is no jobs or no safe environment in the home country of the refugee what can other nations do to help that country which does not create a new set of issues? If nothing can be done in the near future, how can refugees best be cared for. Treating refugees as criminals is not the solution. They are not criminals. There may be some who are committing illegal acts, but that is always a symptom and not the diagnosis.
Lastly does the test show that the solution/plan is working. In our criminal justice system in the United States the recidivism rate is one of the highest, if not the highest, in the world. The justice system is not working. I just talked to a drug addict who has relapsed for several months. He indicated he did not know why he relapsed. He relapsed because he quit using recovery tools and began to convince self he was emotionally weak and fragile. He does not need to identify some deep-seated reason for relapsing. He quit doing what he knew worked. Ignoring the fact that he has a chronic illness which needs daily treatment is not working.
No matter what the individual or system problem one must begin with an accurate diagnosis. Treating symptoms never works long term. Diagnosing problems based on wishful thinking, resentments, anger, personal likes or dislikes is never helpful long term.
I believe Seth Godin’s advice is a valid approach to problem solving in all areas of our personal, business and community life.
Written December 30, 2018
Jimmy F Pickett