I have studied many spiritual programs but none offers the simplicity and the the essentials for returning to a spiritual center as does the12-step addiction recovery program. Thus, when I am confronted with a new challenge or opportunity for growth over which I am powerless i turn back to the 12 steps. Over the next 12 Sundays I will attempt to return to the steps to reclaim my spiritual center. Today i begin with the first step which addresses powerlessness.
Often we humans have to face the realty we are powerless. A person addicted to alcohol or some other drug has.To face there ability to control brain does not know when a drug is impairing their behavior or about too. They are powerless over the addicted nature of the of the substance.or behavior Most of we humans hate facing the reality of our limited power over people, places and events. Thus, when cancer and strokes visited my body I had to face the fact that life as I have known it is no longer under my control. Realizing this I did not go quietly into this chapter of my life. In fact , I argued, kicked and whined acting as if by wishful thinking I could return my body to its former state of functioning. Obviously that approach did not work. I am powerless except to work with medical professionals and to practice spiritual principles . I must daily return to the following spiritual principles .
Change has no inherent positive or negative value
Kicking and screaming has a time limited value.
reality is not affected by denial
Experience tells me I always get what i need to grow spiritually
I am never alone unless I chooses to.
No one knows what vi need until I ask
Honesty , open kindness and willingness are core spiritual principles
one must not limit how often one prac
Often we humans have to face the raalty we are powerless. A person afddicted to alcohol rsome other drug hasTo face therealitytheir brain does not know when a drug is impairing their behavior or about to., They are powerless over the addicted nature of the of the substance.or behavior Most of we humans hate facing the reality of our limited power over people, places sand events. Thus, when bot ecanncer and strokes visited my body i had to face the fact that life as I have known it is no Longer under my control. Realizing this I did not go quietly into this this chapter of my life In fact , i argued, kicked and whined acting as if bywishful thinking I cloud return my bidy to its former state of functionng. Obviously that approach did not worthier, I am powerless except to work with medical prfwessionals and to practice spiritual principles . I must daily return to the following spifritual piniciples:
change has no inherent psitive or negative value
Kicking and screaming has a Time limited value.
reality is not affected by denial
Experience tells me I slways get what i need to grow spiritually
I am never alone unless i chooses to ```
No one knows what vi
Jimmy Pickett