Peace in the middle east
end of politicaladndeligious smugness
Peace in the Ukrainesndeverywherr
Less need to prove worthvia power,money,volence
Morebeffctive treatment for illness including addiction and diabetes
Less useof religion tojustfly mistreatment of each other.
Less judgment of the lseast ofus which is often thebest of us
On a more immefdiateteanand personal note:
Less shenpa/attachment
More acceptance f life on life’s terms
Greater patience
Slowing down to be more fully present
Loving unconditionally more effectively
Enbracing loved ones
Gratitude for family- bio;ogicall and chosen
Daily holistic health care
MORE acceptance of the aging
Enjoying having adopted grandchildren
Healthy relationship with money
Less shame
Ability to continuve woking
Less serious
Dailydoing myt besnt o emulatec teachers such as Jesus and,the buddha
Laugh often with self and others.
Gracious acceptance of my strengths and limitations
This list is an attenptto reviewo opportunities which have ben offereded in 2024especiallyy since mycancer snd stroke chapters
Jimmy pickett