Last week i wrote about some; o the spiritual opportinies my journey of post stroke experiencdes have presented, These opportunities continue to bepresentded this past week;my anxious and somewhat contentiousourelationship with money has often been the center of my bthoughtsi grew up very poor and early on learned to feel shameful of being poor. I an no longer poor. i have been blessed to be able to move some distance from what people consider poverty. Ihad hoped to leave generous gifts to my remaining siblings when i die. Sometime ago I’m had to let go of my dream of leaving my son money to make his life more comfortable The decision was based on His decisionto end contact with me related i must assume in the absence of other infotmation,to relatedto his journry 2with a painful bipolar disorder whicoften results IN BLack and White decisions. This blog is not abouhim but about my often irrational and unhealthy relationshipwith money, I am more thanmy nmothers child, i do not believemoneyorThe lackof it determines self worth or spiritual health, it is interesting that ifSomeoneii i love or even one of my favorite charitieneedsmonei can be very generous. I now am forced To spend money to regain as much health as possible but oftemifeel reckless and irresponsible while doing so. i am fearful of not being able to take care off self physically and emotionally I am blessed to know when I san being Irrationalpvingloving friends and especially my grandchildren remind me i have no choice. They make financial decisions and commitments for me. They ignore mycries of impending doom forcing me to confront my unhealthy emotions regarding money tthis allows for a healthier relationship with Money even while I amscreaming through the ptocess i am again challenged to grow spiritually and let go of irrational belies i oftengathered as a young child. For this i am grateful on a spitituall\lr ifnot immediately on an emotional level.
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Jimmy f Pickett Coachpickett,org