Big boy pants Been thinking a lot lately about my role as a male who happens to be a father a teacher, a counselor, and a friend. Been thinking about my big boy pants. It seemed I often heard as a child “Be a man. Big boys don’t cry. Man talk. Don’t be a sissy. Don’t be like a girl, a woman. Desire women but for serious time seek out guys/the men. Respect your mother. Remember, girls are just for one thing but they will make you “pay and pay and pay.” Big boy pants were not pink, frilly, or allergic to dirt. Big boy pants were tough, rugged and made for doing big boy tasks Big boys were Gene Autry, The Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy, big bad Arnold, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, for those went to the barn to drink and smoke. Big boy pants were good for playing in the dirt or with other boys and their balls – basketball, football, baseball and later soccer, golf, racquet ball and perhaps hand ball. Tennis was a little suspect. Big boy pants were a guard against becoming what I was not allowed to say in front of my mother but the initials were PW. Big boy pants make you desire girls and later women. Your conquests were like notches on a belt to be compared and shared. Well, only if you do not marry the conquests. Who did marry “them?” Big boy pants are good for wars and killing the bad boys. Big boy pants took you to the woods after the wars to privately grieve and fight the demons which the killing of others in big boy pants left. Big boy pants have wires which connect to the brain of the person wearing them causing them to say things like, “Yup, now I am shackled and trapped doing the honey do list.” and calling the love of your life, the B word. Big boy pants hide the tenderness and the fact that you love and cry and get tired or know that you do not know and have to keep tightening the belt to hold up those pants. Big boy pants hide us. Have I taught my son to live this lie or was I wise enough to hide the big boy pants in the box on the porch into which his friends checked their guns, toy soldiers, tanks, and violent video games. I hope I left them there in that box. Written October 14, 2016 |