Many humans and perhaps most at one time or another describe feeling a deep hole within themselves. This hold leaves one feeling different than/disconnected from oneself, others and the universe in general. Many attempt to fill the hole with power, sex, or things. Others attempt to numb themselves so they do not feel.
If one is lucky/blessed one eventually discovers the paradox that the only to heal and, thus, feel connected is to embrace the hole; to go down into it and from its core begin the dance of freedom. If one is suffering from clinical depression, a thyroid dysfunction, a brain tumor or other medical condition which will not allow one to begin the dance one must first get those conditions treated. If one is actively addicted to alcohol or other drugs one must seek help detoxing from those drugs and begin the recovery process.
What does it mean to go down into its core and begin the dance of freedom? For many of us it is important to draw, paint, visualize or musically imagine the dance. Some might be fine with an acute sense of the dance.
Perhaps one has noticed that when one is feeling disconnected one also feels very small and has unconsciously manipulated one’s body to make oneself as small as possible. Perhaps one’s legs are close together, one’s arm are tucked inside of one’s body, one’s breath is shallow (starting in the chest instead of the abdomen) and one’s face is scrunched up into a tight ball.
Imagine oneself inside of the internal ball of disconnection. Now take out one’s water color paints and begin to paint the interior of the ball. Notice as one does so that there are points of light showing through . Let your legs and hands touch the sides of the now brightly colored ball. You begin to expand until there is only this ball. You continue to expand and soon fills first the room, then the building and eventually the universe. You are now intimately connected to the universe. You are the universe just as all of us are the universe.
On this weekend in the United States as we celebrate the work and life of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks and the host of others who have dared to dream and to claim their universal selves we can begin the process of dreaming and claiming our universal selves.
When we are at peace we are truly one; not one with the world but ONE.
Wherever we are let’s begin our dance. It is brightly colored, powerful and all encompassing. We are the universe. The universe is us. Together with the spirits of all our ancestors we will dance the dance of connection; of freedom.
Written January 19, 2019
Jimmy F Pickett