As a person who is often accused of imitating the habits of the energizer bunny and a person who has studied and uses movement therapy I think of all movement or even lack of movement as a dance. Not moving is analogous to the negative space in a painting, the often loud and poignant silence in music, the pause in a play or the words we do not say.
Today the 45th President of the United States took the oath of office and will begin the dance with Congress and with the citizens of the United States as well as with the leaders of other nations. The choreography of this dance will move from sound bites, tweets and promises to the reality of what it means to actually lead. All of us reading this blog have experienced what happens when one moves from training, education or other preparation to the actual game day when we are expected to accept that our actions affects more than what letter or numerical grade we are assigned.
Personally, I cannot imagine waking up to the responsibility of facing each day with the morning briefing and being expected to gracefully begin that day’s dance. Will it be the considered, precise movement of a traditional Tchaikovsky ballet or the more open moments of Martha Graham? Perhaps the arms and hands will lead as they do with the electric dances choreographed by Balanchine or perhaps it will be improvised dance to the sounds of jazz. Then there is the possibility of the talent and showmanship of the break dance or the precision of the movement to rap music. Whatever dance is chosen it will continue to send waves of vibrations and patterns of light throughout the world. Each recipient will then have to choreograph a response which in turn will lead to …
It seems very difficult for humans to accept that the dance we choose will be experienced around the world and will be responded to with a dance which will be experienced around the world. In my head, as I write, I am picturing various possible dances. If only the dance could just be booked at Carnegie Hall or some other performance hall and the audience were able to absorb the dance before beginning their reactionary dance.
Humans, at some level, seem to grasp the concept of the six degrees of separation or to understand that a building, a bridge, a car or even the environment is interactional within a total system. Yet it seems as if we have a very difficult time accepting that:
· We have a choice of dances.
· Our dance can be an action or a reaction.
· Nothing happens in a vacuum.
· One is affected by the dance of others.
· One is responsible for one’s dance - others are not responsible for one’s choices.
· Others choose a dance because of their history and belief systems.
Thankfully I am not the President and do not have to choreograph and perform my dance from the White House of the United States. Still, I must choose my dance based on my core values with an acceptance of the fact the I am an integral part of the overall dance of the United States. If my dance is a life affirming, positive one I will do my part in creating a more vibrant life affirming dance of my community, my state, the United States, the earth and the universe(s).
Written January 20, 2017