Fox News on June 6 2018 in a story by Robert Gearty of Fox News reported that 200 federal immigration agents raided an Ohio lawn and garden business on June 5, 2018 and arrested 114 suspected illegal immigrants who are “expected to be charged with Identity theft and tax evasion.” There was also an editorial in the Wheeling Intelligencer/News Register on June 6, 2018 lauding this action.
One would think that I would, at this stage of my life, be immune to any emotions about such actions. After all, even although we are a wealthy country we cannot have poor people willing to work hard and provide a valuable service refusing to jump through all the hoops and wait years to get a valid green card or to become a citizen. I do not personally know any of the 114-people arrested. I have no idea if indeed they committed the “crime” of using someone else’s identity or if they paid taxes. My understanding is that many illegal immigrants do pay taxes.
I also have no idea of how long federal immigration agents spent planning this raid or the total cost in salaries, benefits, equipment and other direct and indirect costs. 200 agents cannot come cheap. I suspect that they would demand a huge amount if I asked them to maintain my tiny lawn.
In the meantime, there seems to be no rush or outcry about many other issues such as the exorbitant amount being spent by many cabinets officer and other public officials on decorating their offices, taking expensive trips, indulging their desire to spent time in their New York or Florida homes at a significant cost to taxpayers. Of course, there is also the amount spent giving and selling weapons to people around the world – weapons which might eventually be used against us - and setting up meetings to demand that other nations behave in a way which is consistent with what our government officials determine are our interests.
One could also talk about the money spent incarcerating the mentally ill and those with the disease of addiction. These policies do, of course, help the economy. Prisons are not cheap to build, staff and maintain. Prosecutors and others in the judicial system must all earn a decent living.
I can well imagine preparing lesson plans for civics or history class for children using more detailed information.
I certainly feel safer and more at home in a country focused on arresting a few men and women who are supporting families here and in their home country. I also feel safer knowing that I will now have more tall grass in which to hide when the federal agents decide I am an undesirable citizen.
One again, I am reminded of the famous statement by Martin Niemoeller the World War II Era Lutheran Pastor
In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists and I didn't speak up because I was a not a communist. Then they came for the Jew and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."
Mid-term election are being help this year. What question will be demand the candidates answer? What percentage of us will even vote?
Written June 6, 2018