I continue to be concerned, upset, confused and saddened that the United States of America, the country of which I am a citizen, seems intent to continue on the dark path which has often, since its inception, over shadowed the many positives ideals which attracts so many to its shores.
Whether it is has been slavery, stealing land from Native Americans, sexism, homophobia, racism, the gross unequal distribution of wealth, the justification for the use of torture, the Salem witch trials, the current separation and treatment of children and parents who are fleeing violence in their home country, withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Council, treating the other members of the G 7 as step children rather than equals, acting as if the United States is innocent of locating factories in Mexico being, or acting as if Canada is an inferior neighbor the United States has often found it difficult to practice a less arrogance and cruel dance
While listening to the news on my Bluetooth which was connected to my phone while at the gym I was reminded of frequently repeated advice, “Follow the money.”
The August 15, 2017 Austin Monitor reported in an article by Jack Craver entitled “report shows compensation for non-profits leaders” that the salary of Southwest Key program CEO in 2015 was $659,076. Southwest Key is a “non-profit” organization providing training and shelter to at risk children and immigrant children separated from their parents. As a non-profit it is tax exempt. Other organization, some providing detentions centers for adults seeking asylum (labeled simply as illegal immigrants) apparently gain tax exempt status by forming a real estate investment trusts (REITs) that own correction and detention facilities. These are often publicly traded companies. (investsnips.com)
We have known for some time that jail and detention facilities in the United States are big business. Supplying food, office supplies, iron bars, doors and electronic mechanisms to build and maintain such facilities represent billions of dollars in a country which houses more people keeps them longer and has higher recidivism rate than any other so called developed nation.
If one could follow the money to political campaigns, stock portfolios – direct and indirect – of those making or influencing decisions about the building, maintenance and running of such institutions and plot a sociogram of such connections would said connections tell a tale about which it would be easy for this nation to be honest? I suspect not!
We need a systemic spiritual revolution in this country which begins with what the 12 step programs of recovery call the HOW of recovery – honestly, open mindedness, and willingness.
We are not a nation that Christ, Buddha, Jehovah, Mohamad or any other spiritual leader would be proud. Although there are many admirable, honest, generous people in this country our idea of success is too often fueled by arrogance, deceit, self-righteousness and material wealth.
It is a nation of avoidance and escapism which is evidenced by the number of people who have noticed that the emperor is naked and have themselves lost hope. The identified addicts of this nation may merely be the symptom of the more pervasive disease. I am not suggesting that addiction is the answer or that any of us need to lose hope. I am suggesting that we collectively take off the costumes and practice the HOW of spiritual growth – recovery.
Written June 20, 2018