I realized this morning that I had inadvertently used today’s suggested Gospel reading for the basis of yesterday’s meditation. At first I was mildly aggravated with myself for my mistake. Ironically, I had just written about forgiveness; about Jesus telling Peter he should forgive 70 x 7 times. I do not think it was the voice of the Angel Gabriel lovingly laughing and suggesting I apply the lesson of forgiveness for myself; that I not make a big deal out of my mistake. Yet it was a wise voice. Yesterday the recommended lesson was the story in Luke about the angel Gabriel coming to Mary to tell her she was to give birth to Jesus. One can only imagine how one might feel if one was visited by the angel Gabriel and told one was going to give birth to this child who was to have the responsibility which was given to Jesus. We would probably ignore it or blame it on indigestion.
It seems that often we are visited by a wise voice which repeats advice which we may have given to our child, someone we mentor or a co-worker. Frequently, when I am talking to an adult who says that they are confused about what path to take or how to approach a problem I ask what they would advise a child or someone else. Almost always, the person with whom I am talking knows exactly what to say or do. When I bring their attention to this fact, they often laugh. We all have access to that wise voice. Is this the voice of God, an angel or that part of us which has been described as God with us and within us; that part of us which is a part of the divine; that part of us which does not complicate this life journey or particular situations.
The study of theology and philosophy is great fun. Sometimes it can lead to a deeper understanding of what it means to live a purposeful life. Yet, all too often , this human has used theology or philosophy as an excuse to complicate the very simple lessons of teachers such as Jesus, the Buddha and others. Most life issues are not that complicated. I was recently talking to a friend about the fact that the 12-step program first introduced by Bill W and Dr. Bob presents a step by step guide to healing and facing life on life’s terms. There is nothing in the 12 steps which is inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus or other wise teachers. It begins with step one about powerless over addiction. Step one, of course also reminds us that we are powerless over other people, place and things including chronic illnesses such as addiction. Once I accept that I am powerless I can see what my next step in this spiritual journey needs to be. I can focus on how I want to respond to my powerlessness. I can focus on allowing myself that peaceful state of acceptance and allow that inner voice to guide me to the next step of which might be to ask for help, to focus on loving unconditionally or some other path over which I do have control. When I allow this process to unfold I always do well because I am in touch with my humility, strength and talents.
Today I will strive to listen to that quiet, wise voice without complicating it with philosophical or theological analysis.
Written March 26, 2019
Jimmy F Pickett