Reinhold Niebuhr is the author of the serenity prayer, the first part of which has been borrowed by many, including the 12 step program for recovery from various addictions. The prayer reads as follows:
“God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did this sinful world as it is
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that he will make all things right
If I Surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him in the next.
Many individuals do hot share Niebuhr’s belief in an all powerful being whom he calls God or the belief in an afterlife. Yet, we all have to face the fact that life shows up; that we are not in charge. It is true that our behavior as humans affects the total ecology including weather patterns. There is, in fact, strong evidence that our human behavior is resulting in significant climate and environmental change. Many will argue, often quite convincingly, that there have been many changes in the climate over millions of years; that the land upon we now stand was once very different. Yet, no reasonable person can argue that plastic bags which end up in the oceans are good for the fish or other sea creatures; that mountain top mining, the increase of co-2 emissions and other behavior has a positive affect on the environment. No reasonable person could argue that any part of the planet exists without acting and being acted on the environment. It is obvious to even the casual observer that the interactional balance or imbalance of the. universe is quite amazing.
It is also obvious that we are not god or the gods; that no part of nature, including the weather, checks in with us prior to doing what it does.
Today their are strong winds in many areas of the Midwest and Eastern part of the United States. Us humans are powerless over these “forces of nature”.
The paradox is that while we are powerless we can alter our behavior so that it is more in synch with Mother Nature. At the same time, no matter what we do at this moment to attempt to be more in sync with Mother Nature, life is going to show up. People will die today many of which we could not have prevented. After all, life itself is terminal. The machines such as coffee pots, furnaces, computers, and the phone, have a limited and tenuous life span. Diseases such as addiction are going to control the behavior of many. Pandemics are going to visit.
Many of us humans, unlike Reinhold Niebuhr,, have perfected the art of the drama dance. As soon as life shows up in ways which is not convenient or comfortable for us we initiate our drama dance. This morning, for example, my laptop decided the trip i am currently on, is a vacation and it should have a break. The wind so far has not caused the power lines to take a break but they will might do so. I do not have the ability to repair the laptop not do I have the power to control the wind.. I do have the power to call Apple support and find out that I need to make an appointment and take it is to the store. I may have to leave it and pick up up when it is repaired.
I have no power of the pandemic. I can and was fortunate enough to receive the vaccine shots. I do have the power to wear a mask. If I forget my mask, as I occasionally still do, I have the power to either go back to get one, to carry extras in the car, or to ask if the store or gym have a disposal one to wear.
So far today I have no news of the recent death of a loved one but certainly i could learn of such a death any time. .
The bottom line is that it is my mission to do all i can to live in synch with Mother Nature. When unexpected events show up I can follow Niebuhr’s example to accept the things i cannot change and to change the things I can. Accepting that this will help all of us lead a more serene life and stay focused on problem solving will benefit all with whom we directly and indirectly interact today. One does not need a belief in Niebuhr’s god to accept the wisdom of the advice inherent in the serenity prayer.
Written March 26, 2021
Jimmy F Pickett