Sunday Musings – March 10, 2019
Another week has quickly passed. If one listened to national and international news one might easily fall into a state of despair or elation. There are certainly many good people who are convinced that we in the United States must “Make America Great Again”. There are others who although grateful for the many blessings of a privileged status have always been aware of racism, sexism, and homophobia, as well as discrimination and oppression based on religious beliefs, gender, status, or an inability to wear the family, community or company lies. I recall violent racism against blacks, Native Americans, those who did not fit gender stereotypes, and females when I was in grade school. I also recall strong, often negative feelings toward those who questioned the version of history being taught. The challenges which kept the United States from being great have been present since its inception. These challenges are still present.
Sadly, many Christians who seem the cruelest cite Bible verses to justify their cruelty. Today, March 10, 2019 the liturgical calendar suggests Romans 10:8b-13 and Luke 4:1-13. For some following the teachings of these verses seems to mean worshiping their exclusionary God and resisting the Satan of the God of the understanding of others. The God of the understanding of some Christians is the one true God as revealed in Jesus although such teachings as loving one’s enemy seem to not apply to loving those whose understanding of God is different or worse those who believe in no God. When I was growing up most of us had not heard the teaching of such radicals as the Unitarians or Dr. Bob and Bill W. The idea that each could have a God of one’s understanding and still be invited to the inner circle of family was and often still is heresy.
On this first Sunday of Lent in the liturgical calendar of many Christian churches perhaps it is possible to posit a God who cannot be envisioned, named or described – a god who is oneness – a god who is the “I am” – an inclusive god who encompasses the best of who we are and who is contained in the infinity of the universes. Perhaps if we could do this we would indeed move closer to a United States which is great.
Written March 10, 2019
Jimmy F Pickett