I was reminded yesterday by a good friend and trusted colleague that in using the 12 step program to explore one’s relationship with anger:
- I have used the 12 steps for such issues many times. Each time I write about any topic I am doing so from my current perspective.
- I did not begin using the 12 steps in response to a specific addictive behavior. My history although filled with many shortcomings, emotional issues and, yes, character defects, allowed me to begin an intentional spiritual journey at a different point than those whose lives were hijacked by addiction or some other disease at an early age.
- Each of us brings a history and pace to the use of any system for spiritual growth. We have to proceed at our own pace. If we have a sponsor, mentor, or other spiritual guide than he or she will help set a pace, which is right for us.
Obviously, even though I choose to share some of how I use such tools as the 12-step program to look at various habits of thoughts and behavior, I am not in competition with anyone else. I am not suggesting that anyone compare his or her journey with mine. Certainly sharing our journey can be very helpful. I learn something every time I hear someone’s story whether than be in a 12 step lead meeting or in another setting. Every time I head someone’s story I find some feelings and experiences with which I identify. Still, it is not my story. I almost always take some insights and apply to my understanding of my journey, but I am not attempting to duplicate that journey.
The goal is to support each other we move step-by-step towards individual spiritual goals. We are not competitors but fellow travelers.
Written March 7, 2017