I have a practiced habit of listening in on conversations which are taking place in public places. As most readers know, listening is also an important part of what I do as a counselor. It is also a way of opening myself to grow spiritually.
This morning I was briefly taking advantage of the sauna at the gym following my morning workout. Two men were engaging in a very quiet conversation. I did not disturb them. In fact, I did not even wish them a good morning as I almost always do when I enter a space where others are present. At any rate, one of the men – late twenties perhaps, 5’8” or so, and otherwise non-descript – was telling the other man – mid-forties, 5’10 “or taller and also otherwise non- descript – that prior to the election of President Trump, the man who owned the coal mine at which he was then working laid off a bunch of people blaming it on the then president and other Democrats. As soon as President Trump won the election the men and women were called back to work. It was assumed and agreed upon my many working for that company that the layoff was a political move. The young man said that he refused to return to work for this man. He was not willing to have him and his family used as a political pawn or to support the deception by acting as it was okay to put the needs of his family on hold to satisfy the political desire/needs of the coal mine owner or the politician. Obviously neither the family of the coal mine owner nor President Elect Trump were worried about rent, the next meal or health care for their families.
It is not the intention of this blog to discuss the political, financial, environmental, and social history of the coal mine owners or big business owners who often seem unconcerned about how their actions affect others. It is also not my intention to detail all the reason why men and women are willing to work such long hours in a dangerous environment (dangerous long and short term) for people who clearly often do not care about their welfare. This is a very complicated history spanning many generations and resulting from a variety of factors which those with a different history or different options might not understand or appreciate.
The intention of this blog is to focus on the daily acts of courage and conscience to which I feel a desire and a need to bear witness. This non-descript man sitting in the sauna shared his story of quietly taking a stand. Perhaps those to whom he tells his story will tell others. Perhaps some will be inspired or challenged to take a stand in some area of their life.
Again, I am reminded how powerful it is to tell our story without blame or a desire for revenge, but with a clear understanding of our core values and the need to stand for and with them. This does not make us right and others wrong, but it does allow us to live with some integrity. If later we have a different opinion or understanding, that is okay too.
Hats off to all those who live a life of quiet courage; who live a walk which corresponds to their core values.
Written June 5, 2018