This Sunday morning the sun kisses the dewy grass creating a shimmering summer costume which says, “Come dance with me.” I am reminded of all the sage reminders by spiritual teachers, philosophers and song writers to leave one troubles behind, focus on the present, have the courage to change the things one can, waste not want not, or the reminder by Jesus to notice the birds, the lilies of the fields and the rest of creation which toil and spin not but are perfectly content being what they are in the moment.
Being the human I am I have to intentionally reminded myself to show up for the sunshine and be meditatively present with each chore. My “natural” tendency or my habit is to mentally construct the long list of chores which I “must” get done today: shopping for groceries, changing the bed, wash, fold and put away the linens, iron the dress shirts, clean, work out at the gym, take advantage of the festivals which are going on today and finish the office paperwork left unfinished yesterday to name just a few. There are also many books standing at the ready to be opened and read as well as all the tasks which I have daily moved from one day’s list to the next for weeks, months or longer.
Yesterday I, along with many others, attended a workshop in Pittsburgh and met up with a favorite teacher as well as a teacher new to me. The teacher, Mark with whom I have studied for many years and who used to be much younger than I is quickly becoming the same age as I am. Well, actually, he has entered that stage of life which in the United States is marked by the beginning of beginning of being eligible for social security which is the stage of life I have been in for more than a decade. He and his wife are now facing decisions which seems very far off just a few “minutes” ago.
Clearly the time Grinch has been very busy snatching away those years which I filled with all those important, often repetitive, chores. At the same time Mother Nature has given and Mother Nature has taken away, presidents or heads of state have come and gone, amazing technological advances have arrived to complicate our lives and make them simpler.
The workshop was an introduction to the wonderful “work” of fascia, the connective tissue in our bodies which is such a such an important part of the physical structure of humans and other animals. We explored how it responds to movement and various stressors; how much of it is both constant and ever changing, responding to internal and externals positive and negative stressors. I must admit that even though I am in the health care field and have extensively studied movement I have, in the past, given no thought to the fascia. It is another part of the magic such as the sun kissing the dewy grass that I can easily take for granted as I move quickly from one “important” task to another.
It has frequently seemed to me that time is an artificial construct which, although a handy measurement in some respects in reality, only exists as an illusion or a construct filling the negative space.
Perhaps today I can allow myself to be the negative space and like the sun kissing the dewy grass greet each moment with a gentle kiss. Perhaps!
Written August 12, 2018