The dust
I have been dismantling the home of a treasured friend of the thousand particles of memories we all leave in each item. Food, kitchen ware, clothes, photos, other tokens of love and reminders of peoples, places and things give form to the energy which created a home within the walls, nooks and crannies which now await the arrival of the energy of those who will soon call this place home; the energy which creates the mortar which fills the space between the roof and the cement floor of the basement.
The body of my friend is now ashes resting in an urn until its arrival in New Jersey and Estonia. It too returns to dust as does all the other items which held the energy she collected from Estonia, Germany, Finland, England, Wales, Alaska, China, the Nile, other places in Africa, Iceland, the Amazon and many other places.
This dust soon becomes the energy which forms the bones of the homes around the world. In a very real way my friend - her courage, curiosity, passion, willingness to love, keen mind, laughter and joy - will now help form the mortar of many other homes,
I think of the dust of the homes which are no more in Turkey, Syria, Ukraine and all over the world. That dust will be collected by planes, ships, birds and the very wind of Mother Earth to join other dust which become the new homes which eventually returns to dust.
My home is also created out of the dust of all whose moments have passed. This dust resides in photos, paintings, dishes, book, furniture, clothes and many other icons of love which collectively create that intangible I call home.
The dust of many who are no longer sharing this human life journey tickle my memory. Just within the last few months I have said goodbye to the Illusion of permanence in this life journey to Vilja, Denis, Beverly, Catherine, Greg, Dave, and a host of others.
We weep, wail, cry, curse and laugh as if we are surprised that there is no more than this moment. How quickly we forget, ignore or just wander off as if there are other moments to love, laugh, or build a memory. How often we forget that all we must do is to show up in this moment with love while we incidentally smooth out the mortar holding the bricks of this journey.
We find a million excuses to not show up to this moment. We get busy with life and, thus, ironically miss life; forgetting to stay still long enough to leave the dust which provides the mortar which holds the home where the moment waits to embrace love.
Written February 19, 2023
Jimmy F Pickett