Stop, look and listen.
I have now been in my new home for a little over a week. I took some days off from writing so that I could get settled. Once again I was reminded of the importance of daily extended time is to gather my thoughts and attempt to arrange them in a way which clarifies my intentions for the day. While my mind has been very self-centered on settling in, the world outside has managed to keep functioning without me. I did daily read the news and was, therefore, aware of the ongoing controversies which continue regarding the actions of now President Donald Trump here in the United States. I am also aware that many other countries are eagerly waiting to see the reality of his policies. Yet, at the same time, there is little change in the issues and conflicts which have been with us for some time. There is certainly no shortage of passionate opinions about the actions of President Trump or other national and international issues. I was reminded of this yesterday when I was shopping for groceries and stopped to chat with friends I had not seen for some time. They happened to mention that one of their sons may go back into the service. I mentioned that would concern me especially now that President Trump is in charge of our military. They assured me that they were confident his actions were going to be positive for this country. I said we would have to agree to disagree. Even saying this much left a tension in the air. Once again, I had to own the fact that I had not honored my commitment to myself and others to just listen rather than reacting. Again, I wonder why this is so difficult for me. Do I really need to be right do I think that any good can come out of essentially telling someone that I think…? One does not have a debate in the aisle of a grocery store and one does not presume that an invitation to a debate has been extended when clearly that was not the case.
I also moved this week and have spent a lot of time and energy creating a home and a welcoming office. A painter, a gas plumber, movers, the previous owner, my wonderful friend and real estate agent, the folks at the scratch and dent appliance store, the staff at Lowe’s and a host of loving friends infused the energy of the new home with much love. Love means new possibilities. Friends emailed, called and sent card and virtual notes. Barbara, John, Kurt, Terry, Marv, Dani, and Mike visited in person.
I also visited the eye doctor at the VA clinic. The very kind and talented staff helped me make new decisions about my eye care as my aging body reacts to the demands I placed on them.
This Sunday, I am acutely aware of these many blessings and the resultant responsibility of “playing it forward”. There is much over which I have no control. On the other hand, I have a lot of control over how I melt the energy others give to me with whatever time and talents are given to me. I can best do that with a joyful dance which does not deny the negatives or pretend that there is always safety or justice. I need not channel Pollyanna to make a make the world a bit better today.
On balance and despite any concerns I and many other have, it has been a very good week leaving me the energy to “stop, look and listen” beneath the surface rather than reacting.
Written February 5, 2017