As we begin the new year, I am conscious of the many people who have made my life richer. I could attempt to create a list of the millions of people who have directly and indirectly added to the quality of my life beginning of course with the earliest teachers and nurturers; those who nurtured me emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually. I could also list those individuals who today enrich and nurture me and make it possible for me to continue to thrive. Besides the people I personally know there are untold nameless scientists, manufacturers, farmers, truck drivers, mechanics, store clerks and a host of others whose contribute to the food which I have eaten today. There are a host of people who contributed to the edifice/apartment in which I am now sitting. Other provide the raw materials out or which still others constructed furniture, the heating system and the plumbing system which provides water and removes waste from this apartment.
One of the people who regularly feed me intellectually via his podcast, Akimo, is the marketing person Seth Godin. He often uses marketing terms and concepts to examine issues which affect how we take care of or fail to take care of each other in the United States. This past week in an episode entitled “The Truth about Capitulation” he uses the investment and marketing terms capitulation and affiliate to examine such issues as how we are responding to covid. Capitulation is when investors give up previous gain in a security market by selling their positions during period of declines – often at a loss. Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company pays others to advertise their product and services and generate their sales.
Mr. Godin points out what or who we name as the competitor or enemy determines the outcome of an argument, a campaign or even other goals of the body politic. If, for example the enemy is the covid virus the body politic affiliates to force the virus to capitulate. If the common enemy are those forcing one to get vaccinated or to wear masks, then many are going to refuse to capitulate. Some if us may believe the real enemy is the virus. Some believe the enemy are those taking away their freedom to decide for themselves to get vaccinated or wear a mask. They will not be forced to capitulate. One has to convince the anti-vaccine and the anti-maskers that the enemy is the virus not those attempting to convince them to get vaccinated or wear masks.
As we begin this new year in the United States, we may all want to explore ways to create affiliation – to be clear that the enemy is that which is trying to prevent affiliation. The language we use to achieve the goal will often determine if we are asking our intended audience to capitulate or affiliate.
Written January 2, 2022
Jimmy F Pickett