I have been given the gift of time on yet another Sunday to gather the various concerns, joys, and questions which have been roaming around inside my brain this week. As I sit here typing I am particularly aware of:
- Marie Popova with whom Krista Tippett had a conversation on May 09, 2016. The talk was entitled “Mapping Meaning in a Digital Age”. Ms. Popova is author of Brain Pickings which one can sign up to receive via email. The entire conversation tickled my brain, but, at this moment, I am particularly aware of the following which Ms. Popova said:
- Reading that 30% of West Virginians on Medicaid and that WV is not the state with the highest percentage. That is New Mexico. Massachusetts is not far behind at 29.5 %. Massachusetts also had some of the wealthiest communities in the United States.
- Dylan Roof may be sentenced to death. He apparently is unable to feel remorse for his racially motivated killings.
- A coach loses his teaching license and is sentenced to prison for sexting a student. In reading these and similar stories I am unable to gleam any compassion by the author of the articles for the person about whom they are writing.
- The Affordable Care Act May be repealed with or without a replacement program. Little mention is made of the salaries of insurance executives or other issues which increase the cost of care.
- The person being considered for the new United States Secretary of State takes a loss in leaving his contract and may only receive 180 million.
- Denzel Washhington has done a masterful job with the movie version of the August Wilson play Fences.
- Cold grips large portions of the United States. I think of the homeless or those living with no or minimal heat.
- Many are writing about, talking about, and attempting to find new approaches to the large number of people whose lives are controlled by addiction to drugs including alcohol and other substances. In the meantime little is mentioned about addiction to sex, looking good/young, stuff, money, something called prestige, or the illusion of power.
- The loving notes I get from many via text messages, email and facebook messaging from people who are new depths to their love and their ability to make a difference in the lives of many.
- The note that I just got from several people about the miracles of their recovery from active addiction.
Many other bits of news and thoughts roam across the surface of my mind. Some of them penetrate the shell which covers my heart - just enough to keep me from succumbing to hopelessness and perhaps cynicism.
Again I am reminded of the yen and yang – the contradictions – the amazing possibility of this universe of which we are a part alongside the devastation created when we run from ourselves and each other.
It would be easy to allow myself to so humbled by the creative talent and selfless energy of many I know that I am paralyzed by the thought of my meager offerings. Yet, I know that the simple acts of kindness which others show me are often enough to lift me up and out of myself.
I have no answers to the large issues. Yet, I can take time to text, call or write someone who is struggling - just to say I am thinking of them or to ask for advice or … I can hold door for someone, play it forward as someone did at a toll both with me a few weeks ago, zip up my lips and practice loving without expectations even if I am not feeling it at the moment.
It is all these moments which will open the hearts of those who will decide about health care, the fate of those who hearts and brains do not allow them to feel compassion, prick the well of courage of those are struggling with life threatening addition which will allow all of us – certainly this human – to own our own addictions which we may call attachments – sounds so much more loftier and spiritual.
Last but not least I will allow my brain to rest on this cold, January morning grateful for the luxury of Sunday musings.
Written January 8, 2017