My tradition is to reserve Sunday for the Sabbath. Other traditions set aside other days and times to rest and gather the various parts of oneself which have scattered during the week. Sunday begins with home chores of changing sheets on the bed, washing and ironing, polishing dress shoes for work, cleaning the car and in other ways making my home and even my car ready to receive the reconstituted me!
For some the Sabbath is a time to gather with others in the tribe at a worship place and/or at the home of the current matriarch or patriarch of the family. The matriarch or patriarch reminds everyone they are family no matter what their differences. If one is especially fortunate one has a Tyler Perry Medea whose firm love reminds the tribe of the gift of taking care of each other.
Many of us do not live geographically close to biological family and may or may not have an intentional family who regularly gathers on the sabbath. Yet, we can mentally and spiritually call upon our ancestors and all of our intentional family. Sometimes, one just sits quietly waiting for the legion of people occupying a place in one’s memory to make themselves known. As is true for the Totem Poles which comprise the historical record of some tribes, various people in the form of images from the past week will join this large group of people. Today as I quietly sit, an image of President and Mrs. Trump descending the steps of Air Force one joins us. President and Mrs. Trump are wel groomed, looking happy, contented and as if they know they deserve the fine clothes and the luxury of the Presidential airplane. In my mind descending the steps with them and waiting at the bottom are the tired, poor, .. huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” (The phase of Emma Laaarus in her sonnet often associated with the Status of Liberty.)
Today are also the planed raids to arrest thousands of immigrants who may not have legal status; thousands who are tired, poor, huddled people fleeing violence, acute poverty, and other forms of deprivation and abuse.
I would not, of course, have to use the image of President and Mrs. Trump. I could use the image of myself sitting here typing in the luxury of my safe and comfortable home. What I am doing to welcome and protect those who, as a nation, we are deciding to treat as less them, not deserving, and criminal.
On this sabbath one must ask who is the real criminal. On this sabbath one must ask, “Is the criminal really the one on the cross?”
Perhaps the sabbath is for cleaning the mirror and having the courage to look into it.
Written July 14, 2019
Jimmy F Pickett