National Public Radio in the United States and BBC in Britain whose programs many stations throughout the world rebroadcast are famous for their driveway moments. For those who have yet to experience the joy of a plethora of interesting and thought-provoking radio programs, a driveway moment is sitting in one’s car at home, work, or any destination while one listens to the end of a program. Depending on the length of one’s trip, one may or may not know who the speaker(s) are. I have frequent driveway moments. Just this morning I happens to be driving when it was time for the local NPR station to feature “The Ted Radio Hour”. I am a big fan of Ted Talks whose speakers frequently challenge me to think outside the box. One of the featured Ted speakers this morning was Eli Parise talking about a seemingly realistic plan to “reshape our digital platforms to be more welcoming spaces”. I am sure one can easily google his talk. If one does, one will hear him talk about changing algorithms to increase the experience of those who use digital platforms to have real conversation during which opposing views are shared in a way which allows users to listen to and even learn from each other instead of throwing sound bites - often insulting and unkind ones - at each other.
During the previous week, because of the nature of the work I do and my own very eclectic interests, I talked to a significant number of people who challenged me to have a broader vision. One person told me about a manufacturing plant with an innovative multi story circular conveyor system which greatly improves the efficiency of moving their product from the finished product to the loading dock. Another person challenged me to think more clearly about the cultural system in which writers of ancient theological works wrote. Someone else challenged me to rethink my communication abilities - to face the wide gap between what I wanted to communicate and what was heard. Yet, another person challenged me to rethink how we allocate resources in the community. Various individuals offered passionate opinions about approaches to social issues. Sometimes my first thought on hearing the latter was a dismissive sound bite. Yet, I was acutely aware that sound bites - given or received - do nothing to facilitate learning and, thus, do not lead to community building.
I also attended an exhibit in the local art museum of Dali’s Alice in Wonderland illustrations. Again, I was reminded of his delightful and often playful vision as well as his appreciation for the intersection of the languages of math and art.
Gun violence, increasing covid deaths, international distrust affecting the successful sharing of covid vaccines, opinions about immigration, repair/healing of the ongoing damage of racism, fear related to expanded view of gender roles, architectural designs to promote community, mental illness, ever increasing disability and deaths caused by addiction and a host of other issues commanded my attention this week and challenged me to a greatly expanded vision.
Clearly we humans have moved a long way from the narrow view of our ancient ancestors or even those of two or three generations ago. Yet, daily, I am challenged to set aside the rough drafts of my vision. Frequently, I find myself wanting to retreat into a limited vision or wanting others to carry me from point A to B. Yet, soon a trusted friend, an NPR moment or some other person or event metaphorically shocks the neurons of my brain forcing a scattering of my previous limited vision and interrupting my Kierkegaardian “sickness unto death” dance or stance.
On this Sunday I will continue to expose myself to those driveway moments which challenge me to a wider and more hopeful vision of community.
Written July 25, 2021
Jimmy F Pickett