I am sitting on my back covered porch admiring the roses, other plants and the freshly mowed lawn which Ernesto has just cut. Ernesto is one of the newer blessings in my life. I feel bad that he is not taking a day off although I know that, in his business, one has to take advantage of the sunshine. Ernesto brings not only his skills of safely tending my sloping lawn, but a lovely, positive energy.
I have been collecting a lot of positive and loving energy all week from dear friends and from of those with/for whom I work.
Family, friends and clients also brought reminders that life is very fragile. We do indeed only have a guarantee of today/this moment and only have the power to decide to treat each other and mother earth with loving tenderness.
When I keep focused on the message of the serenity prayer and do not fall into the trap of focusing on all that over which I have no control, I do fine. This morning I was talking with a man I see at the gym. He has always been a pleasant man, but much of the time in the past when I would say good morning to him he might or might not reply and, if he did, it was from an emotional distance or detachment. Recently he shared that in addition to managing a gym and working out daily he has been taking yoga classes. He has even participated in several weekend yoga retreats. I had noticed that the past month or so he has been much more present when he says good morning. There is often even eye contact. We may not have more of a conversation than a good morning, but when we both present even that greatly enriches my day.
I am again reminded of one of the suggestion of the Buddhist nun Pema Chodron. My memory tells me that she suggested that one keep one’s spiritual goals very simple. For example, “Just show up enough to enjoy your morning coffee, tea or water.”
The first part of the serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr is:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
I do not have to analyze or dissect the term God. I just have to show up, love the best I can, and focus on what I can do to share some positive energy with myself, others and the universe.
Written June 3, 2018