We confess that we have hurt ourselves, each other, and mother earth by what we have done and what we have left undone. We have erred and strayed from caring for each other as if we are lost sheep. We are heartily sorry for these our missteps and do resolve to invite all to the table.
We have begun the month of March. For Christians the season of Lent continues - a time of confession, forgiveness, and gratitude. For Muslims March 6 begins the month-long celebration of Ramadan. Ramadan commemorates and celebrates the month in which Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a time of fasting; a time to renew faith, seek forgiveness and to focus on what is most important in life. It is also a time to be more aware of those who are poor or suffering in other ways.
It is fascinating to me that all major religions talk about and purport to believe in forgiveness and the sacredness of life. Yet, all religious people find ways to justify behaving in a way which is hurtful to others. Of course, war such as we are witnessing in at least 20 places in the world, is the most obvious example of hurting others. Yet, all of us, if we have a basic understanding of spirituality or science, know that all our behavior has a positive or negative affect on others. In many Christian’s churches congregants on their holy day will confess that they have “sinned” by what they have done and what they have undone. Yet many of those same individuals – all of us - will find ways of justifying behavior which directly and indirection excludes or otherwise hurts others.
Many states in the United States have enacted or are considering legislation which allows parents and adults to opt out of required vaccination on religious grounds. Yet, epidemiologists have again confirmed that cases of illness such as measles are increasing in the United States because of lack of vaccinations. We know that a majority of those hospitalized for covid are the unvaccinated.
It is true that during covid vaccinations for some were difficult because of restrictions in medical facilities and for other reasons. It is sadly also true that many refused and continue to refuse to wear masks when doing so would protect self and others. Many also refuse to get covid vaccines because of subscribing to conspiracy theories. There are a small group who for medical reasons are unable to be safely vaccinated.
Companies whose owner’s profit by billions of dollars will attempt to prevent unionization of employees or otherwise prevent guarantee of decent wages and working conditions. Some of us continue to patronize these companies because it is convenient to use their services. These same billionaires owners will be lauded as valued philanthropists.
The question for all of us who claim to aspire to be moral persons is: “Do we believe we can exclude some from the invitation to the table and expect to be seen as moral persons?” The irony or paradox is that if one overtly or covertly injures any part of the universe one injures the whole including oneself. While it is true that we humans take food from the earth and some of us eat the meat of other animals, our ancestors knew we must only do so with gratitude and with an awareness that all is to be shared now and in the future. Thus, one does not use all the resources leaving none for the future. One does not just use some parts and leave others.
As so-called Christians, Muslims, Jews, Unitarians, and all those who claim to honor the sacredness of all we must strive to walk the talk; strive to keep it as simple as “all” could mean all. If Christians, for example, are going to claim that Jesus died for all; that Jesus invited all to the table, then the exclusionary language must be discarded. This includes the language which suggests one must be a “believer”; one must call the God of one’s understanding by a certain name; one must be among the deserving to be among the chosen. We humans find it difficult to be inclusive even if claim to invite people of all religious traditions or no religious traditions. We can easily create an environment which has invisible glass walls.
In some places there are those who are attempting to create community without any religious base or dogma; a space which simply recognizes what science proves; we thrive or flourish only in community. Many are experimenting with regular secular gatherings which retain some of the structure of churches without the exclusionary baggage. Some are experimenting with bars which serve no alcoholic or other mind-altering substances; places to gather - to honor community. Some say their church is the theater or other places where the creative gather to share their talents and visions. Some tailgate and attend sporting events with more enthusiasm than even the African American Church attendees, although sadly alcohol is often a core ingredient of these gatherings.
We confess that we have hurt ourselves, each other, and mother earth by what we have done and what we have left undone. We have erred and strayed from caring for each other as if we are lost sheep. We are heartily sorry for these our missteps and do resolve to invite all to the table.
Written March 3, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett