For those not familiar with the 12-step program, the first step is:
“We admitted that we were powerless over X – that our lives have become unmanageable.” It is not surprising that those using the 12-step program for recovery from active addiction also often pray the first part of the prayer which is attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr (19892-1971).
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
The courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.
I cannot think of a day when I do not have a reminder that if I want any peace of mind I should pray this prayer. I have to remind myself to accept that I do not have any power over other people, places or things. I may, on occasion, have influence over someone or something and certainly my energy affects all that I directly and indirectly touch, but I am powerless to function other than in synch with the dance of the universe.
Some days or weeks it seems that I have more reminders of my powerlessness than others. This past couple of weeks’ hurricanes visiting Texas and Louisiana, much of the Caribbean and today Florida and all the resulting side effects such as many individuals and families now being homeless, rising gas prices and the scarcity of workers to repair and rebuild have been particularly poignant reminders of my lack of power. The fact that I continued this week to work with/for many struggling with addiction have also given me the “gift” of being forced to practice this prayer. Many of those I know and many I do not know lost their struggle to hold on to recovery and are again in the embrace of the addiction. At least one person I have known since she was a young teenager died from an overdose this week. I had just seen her a couple of weeks ago. She was a beautiful, kind, loving person when the addiction released it hold enough for her to be present.
One would think that given my age and the thousands of opportunities to practice the serenity prayers that I would be able to just notice this brief moment in time and be open to whatever is to come. Not so much of the time! I rant, rave, curse, beg, plead, offer to wrestle the fierce winds and don my most invisible costume in hopes of sneaking around these reminders. Yet, the God of my understanding does not seem to care. I will get these spiritual gifts whether I think I need them or not. I scream, “Okay! Okay! I got it. No more. Give me a break. What? You want something more from me! Oh, well, take my breath, my heart, my hands, my feet, why don’t you?” He/She/It just smiles and keeps sending reminders until I am no longer able to fight.
Those is 12 step program might, at this point in their journey, suggest that my prostrate form is an indication that I have reached another level of acceptance – a new bottom. I do not always find this reminder comforting. I am still wanting to struggle, but finally I am too tired to do anything other than smile and then… And then I notice that I am equally powerless to avoid the many gifts which have come my way. Besides the sunshine today, the cool skin tingling air, the blessing of friends and colleagues I bathe in the joy of letting go and allowing the wind to carry my spirit where it will.
Peace. Peace at last. Soon I am sure that I will again need to be reminded to let go of the fight to try to control, but, for this moment, I can just smile and silently join with all those repeating the serenity prayer.
Written September 10, 2017