Although I would to be able to say that the writing of a daily blog limits the risk of one using tautologies without even owning them as such, the truth is that I have been a prodigious writer and a poor editor of my own writings for as long as I can recall. The fact that I do not discipline myself to slow down enough to fully attend to the words and phrases that I use has often resulted in being challenged to explain more fully what I had intended to convey. Such was the case this morning. I had apparently used the term spiritual evolution recently. My friend Howard asked some days or moment later “What constitutes your definition of spiritual evolution.” My first thoughts were in no particular order:
- Oh dear, I have done it again.
- Evolution is clear. Spiritual not so clear.
- You have done it again – thrown out a term which sounds as if conveys a clear meaning but, in actuality is as clear as a pond following a severe storm. It is a very muddy phrase.
Thus, I might blithely say, The spiritual evolution of X is questionable or something equally inane. The truth, if I really think about it, is that spiritual evolution of all of we humans is questionable. In fact, the meaning of the term spiritual evolution is not at all clear.
The definition of evolution is normally used to mean a developmental process. In chemistry it is “the giving off of a gaseous product, or of heat: the evolution of oxygen occurs rapidly in this process. (oxford If we pair it with the word or concept of spiritual we add a level of vagueness or complexity which can and does fill volumes. By itself the word spiritual is used to refer to some quality or characteristic of we humans which is alleged to be distinct from “material or physical things, values or pursuits (oxford Generally the word spiritual is used to denote that quality of we human to somehow rise about the “mere” physical survival which might differenentiate us from the other animal, plants or chemical. On the other hand, some cultures or groups of people attribute spirit to life forms other than that of we humans in this life journey. Then the term comes to denote that quality which may be both central to and survives this brief life journey of all of life. When used in connection with a religious deity one may talk about the “Holy Spirit”. These days one can also, with a few clicks, seek out the wisdom of the wisest one, Wikipedia. If one googles “spiritual evolution” and clicks on the site, one is whisked off to:
“Spiritual evolution is the philosophical, theological, esoteric or spiritual idea that nature and human beings and/or human culture evolve: either extending from the established cosmological pattern (ascent), or in accordance with certain pre-established potentials. The phrase "spiritual evolution" can occur in the context of "higher evolution", a term used to differentiate psychological, mental, or spiritual evolution from the "lower" or biological evolution of physical form.[1]
The concept of spiritual evolution is also complemented by the idea of a creative impulse in human beings, known as epigenesis.[2]
Within this broad definition, theories of spiritual evolution are very diverse. They may be cosmological (describing existence at large), personal (describing the development of the individual), or both. They can be holistic (holding that higher realities emerge from and are not reducible to the lower), idealist (holding that reality is primarily mental or spiritual) or nondual (holding that there is no ultimate distinction between mental and physical reality). One can regard all of them as teleological to a greater or lesser degree.” (teleological meaning final design, purpose or cause) (
I am constantly awed by the thought of some wee philosopher or other scholarly person tapping away at desk in some unknown location so as to make these sorts of google entries available. How did this “suddenly” happen?
At any rate, my child-like mind is more than ever convinced that I had no idea what I was talking about although, in my defense, I must say that there was something I wanted to convey when I used the term spiritual evolution. I do, however, seem to do better when I limit myself to statements about my personal journey and do not attempt to imprint the purpose or sense of my journey on to others. For me, my own spiritual evolution refers to my attempt to:
- Be more present to myself and others while letting go of expectations, conditions or dualities.
- Be more open and honest with my true nature - gifts, limitations, fears, prejudices – and my habit of projecting these on to others.
- By being more present, open and more connected to the reality of the inter-connectedness of all of creation.
The opposite of spiritual evolution for me is:
- Falling into the trap of thinking situation X, Y, or Z is a big deal.
- Blaming other people, places or things for my inconsiderate or dramatic behavior.
- Expecting others to take on the responsibility for my happiness or well being.
- Living in a way which creates disharmony with my total being, other beings and all of the universe.
- Not trusting that I am enough which prevents the full realization of my talents and abilities.
- The illusion that I can or need to control other people, places or things.
When I am am not focused on evolving spiritually I live with a great deal of ‘dis ease”. Dis ease means, for me, that there is an imbalance because of how I have treated my individual body, because of how have treated others or because I am taking on responsibility for the dis ease experienced and/or caused by other people, places or things
I am not suggesting that I should be a passive bystander in this life journey. I am suggesting that I am not in charge of outcome. If I love X and X does not return that love or even if X blames me for Y outcome and decides to shoot me I am only responsible for the extent to which I am willing to empathize with the pain of X as opposed to becoming defensive and verbally or physically shooting X first. In other words, if I become so attached to this life journey that I am willing to forego love then I have regressed in my spiritual development.
This morning I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal by Trefor Moss about Philippine President-elect Rodigo Duterte. Mr. Moss reports:
DAVAO CITY, Philippines—Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte outlined plans on Monday to curb social freedoms and impose more order on this often unruly nation by cracking down on a range of social ills.
Elected a week ago on a tough law-and-order platform, Mr. Duterte told reporters in his home city of Davao that he was declaring a Singapore-style war on antisocial behavior, promising to ban smoking and drinking alcohol in public places, and to crack down on speeding and drunken driving. He pledged to restore the death penalty, which was suspended in 2006, and allow police to shoot on sight people suspected of involvement in organized crime.”
From my limited human perspective it seems as if this man is the antithesis of spiritual evolution. On the other hand, I am not willing to say that he needs to be stopped by any means possible. If Mr. Duterte knocked on my door I would want to treat him as a sacred part of creation. No matter how disconnected he might be from his own sacred position in the universe I would not want to give him the power to cause me to behave in a way which is contrary to my understanding of spiritual development. It is not up to me to determine his worth or to succumb to behaving violently toward him as a way of preventing what I think is immoral behavior. If I have an opportunity to non-violently, lovingly help to curtail his behavior I think I need to do that. If I do it with hate or thinking I am better than he, than my behavior is no better than is.
Perhaps in the future I will want to be more careful about projecting my definition of spiritual growth onto other while speaking out against the mistreatment of all parts of creation. Although it is very tempting to judge the spiritual evolution of others it is a full time job attending my my own evolution or lack of evolution.
Written May 17, 2016