The Mirror
Every time I sit down to write I bring with me all of those who have and who continue to touch my life which, of course, includes all who live and have lived. Today I am, particularly aware of those who have and continue to remind me of who I am as a white/perceived Caucasian male. In particular I bring with me today the words and voices of Krista Tippett the host of On being and her January 10, 2019 conversation partner the poet, essayist and playwright Claudia Rankine. The podcast of this important conversation is readily available on Apple Podcast or wherever one accesses podcasts.
The mirror
It may feel as if the mirror will shatter
which is to say that it will reflect my
shattered self.
Yet if I force myself to look it is
merely clouded with the tares in my soul.
Tares which reflect
my white, male privilege which keeps me alone
and always pointing the finger
at those angry, ignorant white supremacists
Who indeed can throw the first stone Jesus asks the
Look! Look he says
See yourself.
The self which is worth redemption.
The self which is not too fragile to face the truth.
The truth we are told will set us free.
Free to not need the mirror.
Free to see you without fear.
Free to hear your truth.
Free to face my truth.
How long, Oh God.
How long will we need the mirror?
Lift up my eyes oh God.
Lift up my eyes oh God.
Written January 12, 2019
Jimmy F Pickett