· At the federal level in the United States climate change is denied and programs to support cleaner energy and environmental concerns are being slashed.
· At the federal level nastiness, mistreatment, cultural insensitivity, and rougher treatment of those accused of crimes are touted.
· At the federal level, there is little support for public schools and concern about reverse discrimination.
· At the federal level, there is “America (United States) First” and little support for interdependence with all other people in the world.
· At the federal level, there is seemingly great support for increasing disparity between those who benefit from economic policies and those who do not.
· At the federal level, there seems to be the belief that those who deserve it are able to get decent health care and only the irresponsible, lazy and unproductive are “choosing” to do without.
Then there is this:
· Local, regional and state communities are committing more and more resources to creating cleaner energy and a more harmonious relationship with the environment.
· Local communities are supporting programs to decrease bullying and teaching children the tools for empathy and compassion.
· Local communities are exploring ways to be more supportive of public schools and, in some cases, creating charter schools such as one in Baltimore where children create programs such as The Steppers (see documentary soon) and teach the students the tools to dream big and how to realize those dreams.
· In the local communities, there are programs such as the one in Boston – the mayor’s program to welcome immigrants.
· In the local communities, there are pushes in many cities to raise the minimum wage and to create a community in which decent housing and other essentials are available to all its citizens.
· Local communities and states are increasingly committed to supporting Medicaid expansion and free clinics.
If one does even a rudimentary search on the internet one can find many other examples of local, regional and state communities in this country who are actively committed to creating a more just world which honors the fact that long term we all succeed or none of us succeed. Most of us “know” that if we mistreat one person it is going to cause a ripple affect which will always boomerang. We know that the “six degree of separation” is not a myth.
Programs such as the one designed and implemented by Liz Hofreuter and the rest of the staff at Country Day School to teach compassion, empathy and conflict resolution will bear enormous fruit. Although this is a relatively tiny, private school Mrs. Hofreuter and the entire staff are committed to the wider community. They want a safe, loving, cooperative, economically viable program for the children who are going to be soon assuming leadership roles in Wheeling and around the country. The behavior of every student will touch many lives around the world.
Holding two seemingly opposing concepts in one’s mind at the same time may be a new exercise for some of us, but we humans have always been capable of doing this. Actually, it is relatively easy because, of course, it is two sides of the same coin. All people who are mentally and emotionally capable of being proud parents want the same thing for their children. They want their children to have a life free from violence and economic insecurity. People may differ about how to get from point A to point B. Some may convince themselves that everyone who is deserving will have a good life, but at some level they know that addiction and other illnesses affecting how our mind and the rest of our bodies work affects every family. They may hide this reality from themselves and others, but they do so out of fear.
Some may only be in the habit of thinking about “now” and not able to think about how decisions made now will affect children and grandchildren, but they can learn that it is safe to think outside of that small box of “now.”
If we are to continue to learn to work together or rather allow ourselves to be the social animals that we naturally are, then we must learn the art of balancing our passion with the knowledge that life is only two minutes long, that we are not in charge and our decisions and behavior cause ripples far beyond our little world; that it is safe to relax. Building a better world only occurs, paradoxically, as long as we put relationships and not tasks first.
No matter what I am doing I am making deposits of energy – positive or negative – never neutral. If I march for justice while ignoring the injured person lying in the street I fight justice with injustice. Injustice never leads to justice even though, at times, it may seem as if that is the case.
This is this – much passion.
Then there is this – breath, relax, smile.
This + this =? I suspect that love is always stronger than passive or active mistreatment/hatred/nasty tweets.
T + T = L Every time? Yes, I believe every time.
Written August 3, 2017