Dedicated to Mary Karr and Krista Tippett who shared a conversation on On Being, October 13, 2016
The truth is seldom hanging out
in plain view as if it were only
encased in the red blood cells
which mostly exist without
Life would be so much clearer
If only truth were not hanging out
protected by membrane, endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes,
mitochondria, nucleus, peroxisomes,
microfilaments, and microtubules.
I mean really!
It is as if an audience with the truth
requires first knocking on the doors
whose names one cannot even pronounce.
Much like HIV it hides inside the cell behind
the fog of our fears, hopes, and the pus of
our shame.
Yet, we know some parts of what is so carefully
We know the pain of growing up under the dark
cloud of addiction and being told it is a rainbow.
We know that our buddies, our brothers, our sons,
our daughters died in war or if “lucky” came home
with missing limbs, hopes and minds.
We know that because we believe our vision must be
Imposed there are dead bodies washing up on shores.
That many of our children will not make it to the refugee camps and wait to be called a terrorist just because …
John reports Jesus saying, “The truth shall make you
In many families, schools, churches, business’s we are
told that we imagined the drunken waving of guns, the
threat of prison, and the withholding of health care so
someone can make a profit!
The lies masquerades as the truth.
Yet, hidden deep inside is that kernel which promises
freedom to trust.
We did not imagine.
We are not the crazy ones.
Like an onion we must peal back the layers to find
The freedom to trust
To be
To love.
“Shall we stone the prostitute?” asks the disciples of
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Each arm is weighed down with their private burdens.
No arm can move.
The truth?
Written October 15, 2016