My spiritual intention yesterday was to trust that I will get what I need to grow spiritually. When I had some time to write, I kept staring at the screen waiting for the muse to visit; waiting for intention to become manifest reality . No sooner had I shared this intention than I noticed I was obsessively thinking about an issue the “right” resolution of which I had decided would determine my state of mind. Other than requesting that someone I know explore some options there was nothing I could do.
The logical question to ask the universe was, “What am I needing to learn which will feed my spiritual growth?” I already know that I am powerless over other people, places and things. I also “know” that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry (Adapted from a line in “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns.). Thirdly. I know what seems important in one moment is not, in the grand scheme of things, all that important. Fourthly, I know that my experiences to date have brought me to this moment which includes countless moments of existential angst about what I thought was important at a particular moment in time. Fifthly, I know I am not the center of the universe; that neither the universe nor other people can make my life miserable or make my life what I think it should be. Other people are taking action or not taking action (which is taking action) because of their decisions based on their perceived needs.
Have said all this brings me back to the initial question of what I need to learn spiritually. I simply need to remind myself to practice the serenity prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference”. I have done all I know to do regarding my concerns. If today I discover something else I could do I can take that action. In the meantime, I need to focus on what I can control. I have scheduled clients. I can focus on showing up emotionally as well as physically. I still have a lot of moving related tasks to do. I have correspondence courses sitting on my desk waiting my attention. I have books I have been saying I want to read. There are several podcasts which I always find enlightening and informative. There is never a shortage of activities which will help me come closer to becoming.
I learned nothing new yesterday. I simply reminded myself of what I “know” but, at times, find difficult to practice.
Often, I do not need to learn anything new but to come to an acceptance at another level. I seem to learn spiritual lessons at a certain level. Then a new situation presents itself and it feels as if I have learned nothing. I then need to refocus on accepting the same lesson at a new level. It is not so much a matter of knowing but of accepting which, for me, always involves trusting that I will get what I need to grow spiritually; to return myself to myself; to accept as Psalm 103:15 reminds us “Yes, a human being’s days are like grass, he sprouts like a flower in the countryside-“(The Complete Jewish Bible)
Written October 20, 2020
Jimmy F Pickett