Recently I was in a Christian religions service on a Sunday morning. The church is a mainline Christian church on the edge of the community where I live. It cannot be considered a community church per se although I and a few other people who live in what is considered a poorer and less desirable neighborhoods of my community do attend this church. I know and deeply care for several of the individuals, couples and families who are members of this church. It has an outstanding music program which often feeds my soul, I am, however, at times, uncomfortable in this church. Most recently on July 4th and the Sunday following July 4th I cringed when, once again, the church leaders created a salad of patriotism and Christianity. Furthermore, the patriotic songs fed the myth that the United States of America is America and not just one of the Americas.
Scholars I have consulted see nothing wrong or inaccurate with referring to the United’s States of America as America. Yet, when I talk to individuals who live or were born in other American countries including Mexico, South America, Central America and the Caribbean Islands they often find the use of the term to refer only to the United States of America, arrogant, oppressive and one more instance of the United States acting as it has the right to abuse the resources, people and their history; acting as if all other countries are the Cinderellas of the United States of America.
Clearly there is nothing wrong with having an affection for one’s community or country. Most people I know from many different countries have great pride in their cultural, academic, emotional, and their spiritual history. One can be proud without suggesting that their history and culture is superior to any other. The United States of America has many beautiful places geographically and culturally. It has a tradition of art which feeds the soul on many levels. It is also, however, a country which is enormously violent, economically unjust and jails more people than any other developed nation. Its history includes violence towards many in this country as well as against those of other countries. As a country we promote an economic system which results in a grossly uneven distribution of resources. Some believe we desperately need, as a country, to work the equivalent of a 12-step program; to practice humility and honor the people of all countries including the many American countries.
Does the god of the major religions which operate in the United States really care more about the United States of America then he/she/it does other countries or people. Is not God the same in all countries? Is not the same true for those who are worshiping the Muslim God, the God of Abraham, the various Hindi gods or any other god(s)? Why would one posit a concept of God which favors one nation over another any more than a healthy parent would favor one child over another. Healthy parents know each child has strengths and limitations; each is perfect in its imperfections. Did any God originate in the United States of America? Were they birthed by someone in this country? Perhaps some of the deities of the indigenous people in this country come closest to claiming this birthright.
The word church connotes community. It is not a United Stages community, an Egyptian community, a Russian community or an English community. It is a community of individuals, couples and families who are attempting to adopt and live a spiritual life; a life with purpose which recognizes all are part of a universal(s) whole.
Clearly all of us need to strive to be loving, generous, responsible citizens of the church community and the geographic community where we worship. All can affirm we thrive together or die together. In church we are seeking a spiritual path as citizens of the universe who may be living and paying taxes in a small section of the universe which is no more and no less important than any other part of the universes(s).
Let’s keep the flag of any country out of churches. Let keep patriotic songs out of churches. Let us embrace the United States of America as one country in the Americas no less or more important or deserving of respect than any other.
Written July 21, 2024
Jimmy F Pickett