I am eager to hear what these young scholars have to say about the topic of how food choices affect our relationship with others.
They are arriving now.
Me: Good morning class.
Class: Good morning Mr. Jim. Cookies!
Me: No cookies today, but I will try to make time for baking before we meet again. Next week is spring break and I should have plenty of time to bake.
I am eager to hear what you and your families think about how our food choices affect our relationships with others. Who wants to start?
Sue: When I am tired or hungry sometimes I get fussy. Everyone in our family is the same way.
Me: That is great observation Sue. Have others in the class noticed the same thing?
Class: Yes Mr. Jim!
Tara: Mom and dad say that when I or my siblings eat a lot of sweets we get very hyper. Mom says that this is because sugar is like a high-power fuel which does not last long.
Steve: My dad says that the food we eat makes the fuel for the brain. If it is the wrong fuel our brain will not work well. I like oatmeal but if I put it in the car gas tank it would not run. In fact, it would be very mad.
Me: If the brain is not working how does that affect how we treat others?
Steve: Is it like Sue said. We can fuzzy or say stupid things?
Me: Yes. Do we sometime act as if our brain is not part of our body?
Sam: Uncle Jim it is scary to think that our brain could quit working. When we go to the nursing home to visit, sometimes the old people say they cannot remember very well.
Sofia: If we eat food with the wrong chemicals our brain will get angry and then we cannot think.
Ahmes: When my dad says to eat your vegetables, he is talking for my brain?
Me: That is a good way of saying it Ahmes.
Susie: My mom says that exercise also affects the brain. Is that true Mr. Jim?
Me: Yes, when we move around a lot our brain also gets exercise. The disciple which studies this is mind-body consciousness.
Sue: I have to do exercise even though I am in a wheelchair.
Me: That is right Sue. If you did not your upper body would quit working well. You use the upper part of your body a lot Sue. All of the body talks to the brain and the brain talks to the rest of the body.
Tara: If I eat lots of candy and get hyper I get a lot of exercise Mr. Jim.
Me: Good point Tara, but it is more of a nervous movement which does not seem to help the brain much. That movement is partly because how the sugar is affecting the brain.
Tommy: You give us cookies Mr. Jim.
Me: How many do I give you Tommy?
Tommy: Two Mr. Jim and they are not great big.
Me: Two is a treat and does not affect the brain much unless someone is allergic to something in the cookie. Remember at the beginning of the school year when I sent papers to your parents asking if it was safe for you to eat chocolate chip cookies>?
Susie: Sometimes we have a hot dog or pizza. Mom says that is a treat also.
Me: Most of us like treats but sometimes we forget that they are treats. Most of the time we need to know if the food we eat is going to make our brain work better or worse.
Ahmes: In Egypt we ate differently Mr. Jim.
Me: What happened when you got to this country?
Ahmes: At first we stayed with my aunt and uncle and we ate the same. Then we moved to our own place and wanted to try the food everyone else ate. We got really sick.
Me: How about now?
Ahmes: Most of the time mom and dad cook as they did in Egypt but sometimes we eat what they call junk food. If we only do that some of the time we are okay.
Me: When you were not feeling well did you get fuzzy with each other?
Ahmes: Some of the time.
Me: It is really good that you are beginning to think more about feeding the brain. Let’s write down what we are learning.
- A = food
- B = chemicals
- C = brain function
- D = behavior
A = B = C = D
In turn the brain sends messages to the body about what to do with the food which then affects how the body manufactures the chemicals.
Sofia: It is like a merry-go-round Mr. Jim
Me: That is true Sofia. You scholars are so smart. You teach me also.
Next week you will be on spring break. I hope that you have a wonderful time. Next time, let’s talk about what other behaviors affect how the brain works. Today we decided that food and exercise affect how the brain works which in terms affects how we treat each other.
Sue, will you pass out the assignment please?
Sue: Yes Mr. Jim.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Class: Bye Mr. Jim.
Written March 8, 2017